Chapter 10 - Settling In

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Warning: Mentions/implied child abuse!

Ahsoka Tano

I've already learned a lot about Master Skywalker after our mission to Teth, but apparently not this side of him. I stop in the doorway of our new apartment, glancing around while attempting to take everything in at once. Why in the world are there droid parts scattered everywhere? Is this what he does in is free time?

"Hey, it's not like I had time to clean up or anything," Anakin grumbles, walking past me towards his room.

"I know, but..." I look around again, trying to pick a path to where my room should be and is probably buried in stuff too. "This looks like junk."

"It is not junk!" he complains, sounding almost offended, "We work on it... between times."

"How am I even supposed to get to my room?"

"Very carefully."

"Thanks a lot, Master," I mutter sarcastically, carefully picking my way across the main area towards the smaller of the bedrooms. Why in the world does he have it thrown all over the floor instead of some table? Never ever let me see his room. If he dares mess up mine, I will not be happy. Wait, does Aniya's apartment look like this, too? I feel bad for Alema now. Especially since she has a bit more to carry around than me, considering that she's moving out of Krell's apartment. I'd wanted to go with her, but she insisted on going alone. Apparently, she doesn't care how stupid that is.

I step into my room, glancing around. It's small and plain, like all rooms are here. And thank the Force, there are not droid parts scattered everywhere in here.

I take a few steps into the room, my foot promptly catching on something, and I trip flat on my face. So much for that. What in the world have the twins done to their apartments? I sit up with a groan, scowling at the traitorous piece of machinery that made its way in here. And how did I not notice that?

"Next time, watch your step," an amused Anakin offers very unhelpfully.

"Next time, watch your mess," I grumble, climbing to my feet.

"Not like we were expecting company," he complains, "Besides, we didn't exactly have time to put everything away when I was called off to Christophsis."

"Oh. So that's why a hurricane went through here in your absence."

"Very funny, Snips."

He disappears back outside, letting me get settled in.

It's about fifteen minutes later that I step back outside my room, and immediately stop in my tracks. The twins are sitting next to each other on the couch. Anakin has his right glove off for the first time, and it takes me a few moments to realize why it looks so weird. It's... mechanical?!

"What – how – how did that happened? What in the world did you two do?!" I shriek. "How – did you –?!"

"No, I did not cut off my own brother's arm! What in the name of the Force are you asking me?!" cries Aniya.

"Stop freaking out!" Anakin interjects, though it's obvious he doesn't feel terribly comfortable about the topic. He snatches up his glove from where it is next to him and pulls it back on. "It happened the day the war started."

"How?" I ask, cautiously stepping into the room again. And how in the world did my master so carefully neglect telling me he lost his arm?

The twin's glance at each other, and I get the feeling they're having a silent conversation with each other. Finally, Aniya stands up and walks over to me. "Come with me," she instructs and slips past me back into my room. She stops a distance inside and turns around, arms crossed.

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