Chapter 62 - Casting Judgement

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Author's Note: I do not apologize. :')

~ Amina Gila

Aniya Skywalker

"Knight Skywalker and Padawan Tano, serious charges have been levied against you." Yoda is the first to speak, "How plead you?"

"Not guilty, Master," Ahsoka and I answer immediately, in unison.

"I would never take the lives of innocents. The values of the Jedi are sacred to me," Ahsoka continues.

"With all due respect, Masters," Anakin cuts in, "As Ahsoka's master, I am responsible for the charges you're levying against her. Her failings are mine."

"Is this a confession, Skywalker?" Windu asks coldly.

I glare at him. I can't help it. How can he dare to – "Neither Ahsoka nor I committed any of the crimes we have been accused of," I declare firmly, "We are being set up."

"So you claim, but there is evidence to the contrary," Mundi replies, "You were alone with Letta Turmond when she died. Can you explain this?"

"Someone used the Force against her," Ahsoka answers.

"When I was there, I sensed a dark presence nearby, but I couldn't pinpoint it," I add. "They were... elusive, much like the Sith Obi-Wan and I encountered on Mandalore."

The Council exchanges glances. Do they even believe me? Something is telling me that some of them – if not most – do not. I hate the feeling of helplessness building inside of me. It's like back when Anakin and I first came to the Temple, only a million times worse. Whatever they decide here and now in this meeting will determine my fate and Ahsoka's. I know far too well where this can lead if I'm not able to convince the Council of our innocence, even as I try not to think about it. We could be executed, by the very same organization I've dedicated my entire life to.

"Which brings us to Ventress," Plo speaks up, "Can you explain your association with her?"

"We had a mutual understanding," Ahsoka answers, "I thought she was helping us."

"We ran into her unexpectedly. She was a bounty hunter, trying to turn us over to get the bounty," I explain, "We convinced her to help us instead."

"Did she help you acquire the nano droid weaponry found when you were apprehended?" presses Mundi, "The same devices used in the bombing of the Temple?"

"No!" I snap, "We were following a lead, to somewhere that Letta used to go before the bombing happened." Hopefully they won't ask how we knew that. There's no way I can tell them that Anakin was talking to us this entire time. They're obviously already extremely suspicious of him, and I'm not going to risk making that any worse.

I don't understand. I already knew the Council didn't trust us, but I didn't realize it went this deeply. From the looks they keep giving each other, it's like they don't even believe me, or they're carefully picking apart every word that I do say to make it seem more like I'm guilty. That's what I hate about word games.

"We were set up and deceived as you are being deceived now!" Ahsoka exclaims.

"The question is, Padawan Tano, who is deceiving us? Ventress, you, Knight Skywalker, or someone else?"

"We are not deceiving you!" the Togruta cries.

"When we were at the warehouse, someone else attacked us. That's what caused the fire. Whoever it was, that's the person behind everything. I'm certain of it," I declare.

"Ventress?" Obi-Wan guesses, leaning forwards. It's the first time he's spoken. I realize.

"No, I don't think so," I reply, "They didn't fight the same, but they have her lightsabers, whoever they are."

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