Chapter 13 - Battle of the Malevolence

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Warning: Mentions/implied child abuse! (Not in this chapter, though. :P)

~ Amina Gila

Anakin Skywalker

Shortly, Aniya and I find ourselves approaching the person who's in control of the medical station with our padawans. "Make sure our ships are ready. We'll only have a short time before Obi-Wan calls us for support," I tell a nearby clone before heading into the room where the person is waiting. That, I am certain of. The Malevolence is a very large, strong ship, and I'm not fully convinced it won't be able to withstand everything we throw at it.

"General Skywalker," the Kaminoan greets us, "I wanted to thank you for your valiant effort today. Do not take the lives you saved lightly."

"I don't. But nor do I take the lives I lost lightly." At least half a dozen clones died in that battle. Shadow Squadron was halved. Though they may just be clones, they're still people and have a right to live too. They don't deserve to die in a pointless battle. Aniya and I, we've always taken the lives of our clones far more seriously than nearly any Jedi. To us, they're not just soldiers. They're also people, even if they were trained for battle. I'd never admit to anyone the number of nights we've stayed up, working on fighters or anything mechanical we could get our hands on to keep our minds off the guilt of their deaths. There are so many, and they keep leaving us. Putting it simply, there is no death in the 501st or 502nd which goes unremembered.

"I see," she replies, nodding, though I know she doesn't. I hate the Kaminoans. It didn't take me long to realize they didn't care for the clones at all, or I wouldn't have had to spend such a painfully long time trying to explain to Rex that he matters.

"If you will excuse us, we must prepare for the coming battle," I tell her, turning and heading off for my ship, pushing back the swell of emotion.

"Your masters are very curious Jedi," I hear her saying to our padawans as we exit the room.

"They're two of a kind," Ahsoka grins, hurrying after us.

We head out to where the fighters are, and I do a quick check on mine to make sure it's in perfect shape. Thankfully, it is. At least mostly. "And I suggest we be joining them up in the main area of the cruiser now," Aniya calls to me. "I'm sure Obi-Wan will be calling for us momentarily, anyway."

"Good idea," agrees Alema.

"Then come on," I tell the girls, heading out of the room. Minutes later, the four of us walk into the room where Obi-Wan and Plo are watching the raging battle to hear Plo saying, "We must summon reinforcements." Outside the windows, the Separatist ship is slowly flying away from us, but the blasts from all three cruisers simultaneously striking it is causing a fair amount of damage. It has yet to start falling apart, though, which is proof of its strength. The fires are continuing to spread across the surface, but no major damage is being inflicted. Yes, it's definitely time for us to get back out there.

"Looks like we arrived right on time, then," Aniya declares.

"That's why we're here, Master Plo," I say.

"Anakin, Aniya, were you able to contact Master Luminara?" Obi-Wan inquires of us, turning around.

"Yes, Master," I reply, coming to a stop beside him, "She's busy with a fleet of Separatist reinforcements nearby. She won't be able to give us support until she's turned them away."

"At least she's holding them off," shrugs my sister.

"Then we'll have to make do with what we have," Obi-Wan decides, pointing out the windows as another series of blast strikes the ship. The flames continue spreading across it and new fires begin in several other places. The back engines have suffered extensive damage from the firing, though. I expect it won't be able to fly much longer.

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