Chapter 61 - To Find A Clue

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Author's Note: Uh... sorry about the ending of this chapter, I guess? I think y'all know where it's headed now. ;-;

~ Amina Gila

Anakin Skywalker

"Well, it might not be much, but it's worth checking out," I tell the others, we've found almost nothing, so far, except something about a warehouse that Letta went to.

"Yeah, but we just need to... tell them about it now," Alema replies, her voice dropping as she glances around to make sure no one but the four of us will overhear that part. We had to explain to Barriss and Jinx that we were still communicating with Aniya and Ahsoka, neither of whom seemed particularly bothered. Thankfully, the two of them still believe in my sister's innocence.

"I'll tell her now," I say, "They can go there, and in the meantime, we can see what else we can find."

"I think one of us should go there," Jinx objects, standing up.

"Maybe, but we can't even leave the Temple right now," Alema points out.

"No, you can't, but I can," he asserts.

"I don't know if that's a good idea," Barriss argues, "If you're seen out in the Underworld, especially if you run into them while they're there, it could cast unnecessary suspicion on you."

"I'll be careful," Jinx replies, "Besides, we don't even know if they'll be able to make it there safely."

"Then go," I agree, "And may the Force be with you." I reach out with my bond with Aniya as soon as the Twi'lek is heading off. "I found something," I inform her.

"You did?! What?"

"There's a warehouse Letta apparently used to go to at times," I explain, before telling her the coordinates and level for where it is.

"Okay, we'll go check it out and see what we find," she replies.

"And just so you know, Jinx is working with us, and he decided to go there, too."

I feel a flare of slight concern from her at the words. "What?" I wonder.

"We... have an unexpected ally. Someone he probably shouldn't see," she answers. An unexpected ally another Jedi shouldn't see? Do I even want to know who that might be?

"Please tell me it is not Maul!"

"No!" she yelps. "Ventress who's apparently a bounty hunter now, actually."

Ventress? Well, I wasn't expecting that, and nor do I like the thought much, but if Aniya is working with her, she must know what she's doing. "Just be careful," I caution finally.

Barriss suddenly stands up as well. "I don't know what they may uncover at the warehouse, but perhaps I should go as well," she decides.

"Go ahead, then," I agree, before she hurries out of the library. With all four of them going there, hopefully they'll actually be able to figure something out. In the meantime, maybe there's still more Alema and I can do from here.

Ahsoka Tano

"Nice place you have here," I state dryly as Aniya and I head into Ventress' tiny home.

"Not everyone on Coruscant lives in a luxurious Temple on the surface," she snaps.

"I guess I'll have to get used to that." At least as long as we're down here.

"What are you planning to do now?" Ventress asks, "What do you need from me?"

I glance questioningly at Aniya. I certainly don't have any plans for what we're going to do next, except keep on waiting. "While we were on the way here, Anakin did contact me," Aniya speaks up.

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