Chapter 60 - On The Run

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Author's Note: We're up to writing ROTS in this series now, and we're wondering if there's anything in particular anyone wants to see from that time. We already have ideas, but we may be able to edit more ideas into our current plans, seeing as they're not completely finalized yet. :)

~ Rivana Rita

Anakin Skywalker

With both my sisters gone into the Underworld, I find myself standing in front of the Council. It's still storming out, as it often seems to be when I'm in a significant amount of emotional turmoil.

I stand off to the side, watching as Tarkin speaks with the Council. "After further investigation, there can be little doubt that the clone officers murdered in the escape were killed by none other than Aniya Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. One or both used a Jedi mind trick to convince the clones to open the doors, and then cut them down along with five other clones along the way."

How, exactly, would they have cut down the clones with lightsabers they didn't even have? It's hardly my turn to speak so I don't say anything, but that's definitely something I'm going to be bringing up later. His story about what happened doesn't even make any sense.

"I do not believe they could have fallen so far," Plo objects.

"Aniya would never do something like that," Obi-Wan argues.

"The beliefs of the Jedi Council are irrelevant," Tarkin retorts, "We deal strictly in facts and evidence and the evidence points to Padawan Tano and General Skywalker being guilty of the attack on the Temple and the murder of the Republic officers." How did the attack on the Temple get dragged into this?!

"This is sedition," he finishes finally, before the hologram disappears.

"Skywalker, was there no way to stop your padawan and sister before they escaped?"

"No, Master Mundi," I reply, careful to keep an outward display of calm even as my emotions run rampant inside. "The clones are searching for them, but I need to be out there with them in case they're found."

"All of the evidence so far points to them," Windu interjects. My anger flares. What evidence? Literally the only thing against them is one recording, and Tarkin's totally nonsensical claims about how they escaped. And literally nothing ties them to the bombing! How can they even say this?! This is only reminding me again of why Aniya wanted to run, and why I didn't entirely disagree. I hoped the Council would listen to reason, but seeing this, I'm suddenly not so sure.

"Do any of you actually believe Ahsoka or Aniya would do this?!" I demand, voice rising slightly.

Several of the Council members exchange glances at the comment. "Skywalker, have you considered this woman might have threatened to expose your sister and padawan and their connection to all of this, the bombing, the set-up..." Windu continues.

"We cannot come to a conclusion about this with such little evidence," Obi-Wan objects, thankfully speaking up for me.

"There were still the three dead clones, killed by a lightsaber," Mundi interrupts.

"Every Jedi has a lightsaber," I point out crossly. There's no proof against them beyond that, and I sensed a darksider there. "When I was there, I sensed an elusive dark presence. Whoever it was is likely who we're actually looking for."

"All the evidence shows otherwise," Windu replies.

"If they were really innocent of the crimes, why are they running?" Mundi retorts.

"They're running to prove their innocence," I assert firmly.

"Now they're in the lower depths. With their skills, they will be hard to find," Windu declares, apparently deciding to move on from the argument of who's guilty for now.

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