Chapter 43 - Skirmish on Naboo

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Author's Note: We are now entering the last third of this book! :D

~ Amina Gila

Anakin Skywalker

"How are things going?" I ask as the hologram of Padme flickers to life in front of me. I wasn't quite expecting her to call now, right after we got back to the Jedi Temple. Mon Cala was hardly any time ago, and that wasn't a pleasant situation. Both of us were captured, and Aniya wasn't there to come to the rescue.

But now, I can feel her worry. Something is wrong. "Not good, actually. The new leader of the Gungans is threatening to declare war on the rest of Naboo," she explains gravely.

"What?!" I exclaim in shock. Of all news, that was the last thing I was expecting her to tell me. Why would they do that? And why now, right in the middle of the Clone Wars? They just came to aid the Republic! Where is this attitude coming from?

"The leader is giving speeches rousing up the Gungans to fight against the rest of Naboo," Padme adds, "Jar Jar tried to talk them out of it, but he didn't get anywhere."

"The Separatists are probably involved," I scowl. I'm certain they are. At a time like this, of course they'd try to get another planet to start civil war. Then they'll probably send in forces to help the Gungans, and regardless of what side won, the planet would be completely devastated, like so many others. I can't bear the thought of a planet like that going through what I've seen happen to so many others. Whatever it takes, I won't let that happen. Now that I think about it, I suspect it's in revenge for them assisting us on Mon Cala. I wouldn't be surprised. Separatists do petty things like that.

"I imagine they are," Padme agrees grimly, "I'm going back to Naboo as soon as possible to try and speak with Boss Lyonie. I was hoping that you'd be able to come with me."

"Is this because you're finally taking your safety seriously or so that we can spend time together?" I can't resist the joke.

"Be careful, or I may change my mind." She gives me a mock glare, before growing serious again. "I'm going to ask the Council if you can come."

"Aniya's available also, so maybe you should ask for both of us to accompany you," I suggest. That way she'll be able to meet up with Jaufre again. Every time Padme needs – or could use – a Jedi to protect her, she always asks for both of us, or just one of us if the other isn't available. It's the only way Aniya can ever see Jaufre beyond secretly leaving the Temple at night, since it's not like he needs a Jedi to protect him. And I know how crazy it drives her at times.

"Of course," Padme agrees, "See you soon, Ani. Both of you."

"Bye, Angel," I say as the connection breaks.


"You should probably wait up here," Aniya declares, turning to Jaufre. He came with us to Naboo so that they'd be able to be around each other, but when it comes to the actual negotiations, I don't think he should go.

"Why?" he scowls, still never happy about having to leave his sister when she's going into a dangerous situation. I'm honestly glad. It's nice to have a reminder that she'll have someone watching over her all the time when I can't be there for her.

"It makes sense for me and Ani to go," Padme points out, "But bringing a security officer with me might make the situation worse."

"We can protect her perfectly fine, you know," I point out as we start heading to the water.

"I'll be waiting here as backup when something goes wrong," he calls.

"Thanks for the optimism!" Aniya yells back.

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