Chapter 31 - Bounty Hunters in the Night

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Aniya Skywalker

"Padme," I call as Anakin and I enter the room. The sun has set already, and darkness is slowly starting to cover the surface of Coruscant. Padme and one of her handmaidens are setting the dining room table. "We've secured the perimeter. The outside is clear."

"I didn't think we'd find anything, either," Jaufre agrees, coming to a stop beside me. I try not to make it obvious that I move a little closer to him. I've really been missing him over the time we weren't on the planet. We don't see each other very much, and it's been driving me out of my mind. I guess Anakin and I are both lucky the Council agreed to let us stay on Coruscant for a short while before going back out to battle. It's been a year since the Clone Wars started now. An entire year, with no signs of the war slowing down and certainly not of stopping.

"Thank you for helping out," Padme replies with a smile.

"My pleasure," I chirp.

"The negotiations with the Aruthurian delegates are critical, and there are a lot of people who don't want them to happen. You know, it might not be such a bad idea if you stick around," she remarks.

"You know I hate politics," I protest.

"Well, you could always sit in the corner and mediate or something, so you don't have to hear anything," Jaufre smirks.

"Because that's so much better," Anakin retorts, rolling his eyes.

"And after that, to make up for your suffering, perhaps we can watch some Earth Wars together," proposes Jaufre.

"Earth Wars?" echoes Padme, "Jaufre, I think they see enough war already without having to watch it in holofilms."

"But it's a lot more fun to watch it with technology from millennia ago," he insists.

"Maybe," I shrug. I used to love it, but really, I'm unimpressed with the latest turn of events in that series. Can people please stop killing off all the best characters? Life is full of enough tragedy already, without you adding to it, thank you very much.

"The technology is useless compared to what it is now," objects Anakin, "But I'm sure it will be fine."

"Great. Then we have a deal," chirps Jaufre.

Padme sighs but doesn't argue.

The handmaiden, dressed in brilliant orange as they always are, rounds the table. She's occupied with setting the table for Padme's guests, not really paying us much attention. Even so, something feels off. I don't think it's her, though. There's something else, something I can't quite place. Something about the dishes on the table catches my attention. I step over to it, scanning the objects. They're all fancy, not like anything else can be expected for having dinner with a senator, but that's not what catches my attention.

"I do have a question, though," I state slowly, pausing as the handmaiden turns and starts heading out of the room. My sister-in-law looks at me questioningly. "Why'd you set the table with utensils? Aruthurian delegates never use them."

"They might find it insulting," Anakin finishes for me.

Padme eyes the table with a slightly confused expression. "Hmm. You're right. And I was very specific in my instructions." She turns to the handmaiden, who's almost at the doorway now. "Excuse me," she calls, "What is the meaning of this?"

The handmaiden pauses in the doorway for a moment before suddenly whirling around, a blaster in her hand. Anakin and I instantly whip out our lightsabers, activating them barely in time as the handmaiden – or whoever she really is, because they're like Padme's sisters, and I know they'd die before trying to hurt us – opens fires.

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