Chapter 51 - Festival of Light

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Author's Note: We regret nothing. :') Enjoy!

~ Amina Gila

Aniya Skywalker

"I'd still like to know why Obi-Wan's being so cranky," I comment.

"Oh, maybe he got up on the wrong side of bed. That does happen, you know, even to Jedi Masters," Anakin quips, shooting a glare at our padawans as another giant thump comes from their direction. Both continue to studiously stare down at their plates as though nothing in the world is wrong. But they're definitely the culprits, I know that much.

"Well hopefully he's gonna go meditate it off – if that's how it works – because –"

There's another thud as Ahsoka scoots halfway down in her chair for no apparent reason.

"Alright, what are you two doing?!" Anakin demands finally, giving them an exasperated look.

They both sit up perfectly in unison with identical guilty expressions that make me wonder if they aren't the ones who were really born twins. "Nothing!" insists Ahsoka way too quickly.

"I suppose that's why you were literally falling out of your chair for no apparent reason?" I ask dryly.

"Are you idiots seriously kicking each other under the table?" Anakin sighs, though he's clearly hiding his amusement, "What are you, five?" Ahsoka's montrals flush and Alema studiously stares at her food.

"I guess Obi-Wan's not the only person who woke up on the wrong side of bed today," I reply cheerfully, grinning at the glares I receive.

The moment is interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. "I'll go get it," Alema decides, jumping up and scurrying to the door without giving anyone else a chance to respond.

"Guess who's here?" she yells a moment later. from the doorway.

"Don't even tell me –" I begin, trailing off as the presences wash over me. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan again are standing in the doorway. Hopefully he's in a better mood by now.

"Tell you what?" asks Obi-Wan stepping into the room.

"Nothing," I reply innocently, suddenly realizing how much I sound like our padawans.

"Does this conversation sound familiar to anyone else?" Ahsoka snips.

"You're seriously still eating at this hour?" Qui-Gon queries dubiously as he glances around the room.

"Well, we may have been a little too busy with a group meditating session to eat earlier," Anakin informs him cheerfully.

Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow. "I really believe that."

"And we gave up," Anakin continues. "And spent the rest of the morning sparring."

"At least that sounded believable," Obi-Wan concedes.

"Why are you here anyway?" I inquire, looking between the two. Generally, they don't both show up at once in the middle of the afternoon like this unless there's a reason for it. Time for casual visits stopped when the war started.

"Obi-Wan is here to explain why he's having such an attitude today," replies Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan gives him a flat look before sitting down on the couch. "The Council asked me to go on an undercover mission," he begins.

"That's a new one," Anakin replies lightly.

"And it's not a good idea," Qui-Gon adds flatly. "Subtlety is hardly your thing."

The look Obi-Wan gives him borders on offended.

"It's not," the Jedi Master insists, looking amused.

"I'm not on the best of terms with the Council right now," Obi-Wan scowls. I'd really like to ask for details right now, but I kind of doubt he's going to answer anything. And I really don't want to risk pushing him into a Jedi Master-sized temper tantrum.

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