Chapter 5 - Mission to Teth

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Warning: Mentions/implied child abuse.

If there's a fic you'd like us to write, I have a SW fic request form which you can fill out. We'll gift write all the requests we get... eventually. :D The link is as follows, but with no spaces: forms . gle / rmXWtRomMMaULuPa6

We also made a tribute for Anakin on our new YT channel. Check it out if you're interested. :P Again, no spaces in the link: youtu . be / T9hdVkokQa4

Also, sorry about being late. We lost Internet for a couple days.

~ Amina Gila

Aniya Skywalker

Together, the four of us and the clones come to a stop at the towering structure. We have to get up it. Jabba's son is somewhere inside, at least right now he is. The only way to get there is by climbing up the vertical wall.

One of the droids ventures over to the edge of the wall, and Anakin promptly uses the Force to pull it down, cutting it in half as it hits the ground.

"So, this is where the fun begins," Ahsoka remarks, looking up at Anakin. She doesn't look any more concerned than Alema is, though I imagine she's nervous. She feels nervous, though she's somehow managing to keep her calm.

"Race you to the top!" he grins.

"I'll give you a head start," she replies.

"Your mistake," he smirks.

"Remember to stay close to me," I remind my Padawan in the meantime.

"Haven't forgotten," she replies cheerfully.

"And no swinging from the end of tanks!" I add.

"She did that?!" cries Ahsoka, half-shocked, half-amused.

"She sure did."

Anakin moves first, Force-jumping onto the wall and catching onto the ascension cable with one hand, holding his still-ignited lightsaber in the other. I jump up onto my own, starting to climb up the wall.

"I'm right behind you, Master!" calls Ahsoka.

"Same!" shouts Alema as they begin their ascent behind us.

Everyone starts their way up, with my brother and I in the lead. As soon as the walkers start on their way up the slope, Ahsoka swings her cable over and leaps onto the walker. Alema hurriedly joins her.

We keep slowly working our way up the slopes. It's hard because of our position, and we have to keep up with the droids attacking us. We can only ascend the wall one step at a time, holding on to the cables with one hand and deflecting the blaster bolts with the other. As we fight beside each other, I sink into my typical fighting pattern. I can't do a lot about the larger droids without getting their attention and hurting everyone around me, so I focus on taking down as many of the other droids as I can, occasionally cutting through the falling debris with my lightsaber.

I pull myself up foot by foot, holding onto the cable tightly with my left hand, using my right to deflect the red laser bolts. Danger ripples through the Force, making me look down. The padawans. The droids are shooting at the walker they're on. Its front feet come off the wall and it lurches backwards, nearly enough to throw the pair off. We have to help them.

I release my grip on the cable, letting myself drop into free fall as I slide down the wall. The wind whips across me as I fall towards their walker. Anakin lands on it first, his left hand hitting the metal to brace the landing. He straightens and jumps to the speeders. I kick myself off the wall, landing gracefully and jumping over the padawan's heads to the third speeder. I slash through the droid with my lightsaber, then jump to the last and chop off its head. I kick off the remains of the droid, sitting down on the speeder. This will go much faster.

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