Chapter 25 - Assault on the Factory

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Aniya Skywalker

"You know, Master, my briefings might go better if you didn't interrupt me every time I tried to –" Ahsoka begins ranting after the briefing to the clones on the upcoming part of the mission is completed.

"I wasn't interrupting. I was trying to help you," Anakin objects.

"Which I would appreciate, if you didn't interrupt me to do it," Ahsoka snaps, "I just think maybe you don't trust me to give the briefing." Oh no, let's not start this again.

"It's not about trust. It's about getting the job done right."

"So, you don't trust me to get the job done right! I knew it!" she exclaims.

"Snips, I never said –"

"No. No, it's okay. I understand. I'm the Padawan. You're the Master. Well, if you don't trust me, maybe you should send me back," grumbles Ahsoka. Looking past the squabbling duo, I can see Luminara get of the ship with Barriss and head towards us. I haven't really seen them since the last time we were on Geonosis, and I can't really say I mind. I didn't like either of them much, anyway.

"Don't tempt me, Snips," Anakin warns.

"If you're both finished with your little discussion," Luminara interrupts, "We do have a factory to destroy." Then she turns to her own padawan. "Well, Barriss? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

Barriss bows way too dramatically. I can't help the stab of irritation I feel. It's a gesture of extreme respect, which she offered our padawans but not us. Not that I want her respect, but no one ever gives it to us. No one. "Padawan learner Barriss Offee at your service."

"Glad to meet you. I'm Ahsoka," she introduces herself.

"And I'm Alema," my own padawan says, stepping forwards from where's she's been standing in silence since the beginning of the argument.

"It's good to see both of you again. I wish it was under more peaceful circumstances," Luminara says.

"A frontal assault is risky. Our losses will be high. But not as high as they'll be if that factory comes online," I reply.

Luminara shows us a hologram of the factory. "Indeed, but there is an alternative. Every Geonosian building has a series of catacombs beneath it that run deep underground. Some of the tunnels are close enough to this cliff wall so that you could cut a hole and make an entry point. Once inside, we could find the main reactor, plant the explosives and blow the factory inside out," Luminara suggests.

"Well, looks like a good way to get lost if you ask me," Anakin deadpans.

"For the unprepared, perhaps," she replies, "But I have instructed Barriss to memorize the labyrinth, all 200 junctions."

"You always were thorough," I complement. I don't want to say it's the redeeming quality of her – she's a Jedi Master and therefore, above me – but I can't really agree with her on anything. She's far too cold and uncaring.

"It pays for one to be prepared," Luminara responds, "Right Barriss?"

"Especially when other people's lives depend on your success," she agrees.

"How do we keep the Geonosians occupied while someone else is setting the bombs?" questions Ahsoka with a frown.

"Good point, Snips. If whoever is going in there is going to be successful, we'll need to create a diversion," Anakin concludes.

"Precisely," agrees Luminara, "That task will be carried out by you two and I, while the destruction of the factory falls on the Padawans." Wait – what?! No way. Has she gone mad?!

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