Chapter 34 - Visions on Mortis

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Anakin Skywalker

I roll over again, the lightning from the storm casting an eerie glow across the room as it flashes repeatedly, the glow coming in the large window running across much of one of the walls. This entire situation has me completely unnerved. I don't trust this man, whoever he is. I felt the Dark Side in him, and I know better than to trust someone like that. The storm outside isn't helping, either. It's making me unbearably restless. I can't stop worrying about everyone else, either. Something bad is here, I can feel it. Something dark. It could hurt them. It feels that if I let go for even a moment here, I'll... disappear into the Force. I turn over again, eyes closed against the eerie glow of the continued lightning. I keep trying to reason out how I'll be fine, but with the Force flowing so violently around me, I can't help it.

"Wake up," a sudden, soft voice purrs, and a hand brushes my cheek. "I must tell you a secret."

I jolt awake, all thoughts of sleep abandoning me as I scramble out of bed and across the room. The figure formerly standing next to me approaches me. She's dressed entirely in black, her face covered by the hood of her robe. Sithly-yellow eyes stare at me from beneath the hood, practically glowing in the darkness of the room. Who is she? Something about her seems familiar, but that's impossible.

"Who are you?" I demand sharply, my hand inching towards my lightsaber. And how did she get in?! She reminds me of the person I'd seen in my vision not long before in a way, of the person fighting Ahsoka.

"The shadow of someone who was once a Jedi, a daughter, a wife, and foremost, a sister." She moves closer to me, voice soft, yet dangerous. She raises her head a little more so I can actually make out a face behind her hood. It's... no. That's impossible. It's not Aniya. There's no way my twin could have – could have become a Sith! And the darkness pouring off her... It's not her. It can't be.

"What kind of black arts is this?" I cry, "You – she's no Sith! You can't be my sister. Who are you, really?"

"I have a secret to tell you," she replies, completely ignoring my question.

"Then tell me!" I snap impatiently. I don't know who she is or what she wants, but I want to get her as far away from me as possible.

"Everything you have done, everything you have learned, has led you here," the Sith continues. "Your Jedi training has served you well, but you are more than a Jedi. We both are."

"You're a Sith," I say finally. "Why should I trust you?"

"I'm not asking you to trust me," she replies, "Only to see what the future holds."

"And why should I believe you?" I shoot back, hand resting on my lightsaber.

"It's hard to believe you used to be this stupid," she purrs.

"You –" I snap, practically in a growl, stepping forwards. I have no idea what I'm planning to do, beyond causing some serious harm.

The Sith interrupts me. "You have much darkness in you," she chuckles, "But it's wild. Uncontrolled."

"I do not," I deny pointlessly. I'm not going to give in to her claims. She's trying to manipulate me, and I have no idea what her end-goal is, but I'm not letting myself fall for it.

"Don't you?" she counters, stepping closer. "Remember it? Remember that night on Tatooine?"

My heart skips a beat the mention of that night, the worst night in my life. The one I try to forget, never to think about. The night I failed everyone. What would our mother say if she knew what we did?

"Guilt does not define you," she murmurs. "You define your guilt."

I shake my head, stepping back from her. Whatever game she's playing, I'm tired of it. "Who are you, really?" I snap sharply.

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