Chapter 19 - Stealing a Shuttle

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Warning: Mentions/implied child abuse! (Not in this chapter that I recall though. :P)

~ Amina Gila

Anakin Skywalker

The sun is rising again as the shuttle glides to a stop next to the village.

"I expect they're not going to be happy that we returned," Aniya warns as I head for the exit.

"No," Alema agrees, "But we have to do what we have to do. We can't sit back and watch them die!"

"Just a warning that we're probably going to end up protecting them alone. And against their will," Aniya adds.

"We got the shield generators in case they don't agree to leave. Which I'm sure they won't," I remind them. "That's why I wanted them in the first place." I knew Tee Watt Kaa isn't going to be happy about us being here, but I won't let an entire village die. I don't care if they want it. It's wrong.

"In which case they'll be attacking us with an army of battle droids," Aniya replies crossing her arms.

"They can't send anything we can't hold off," Ahsoka insists.

I lower the ramp and we walk out of the ship. Just as I expected. Tee Watt Kaa is waiting for us. Wag Too is standing nearby.

"Everyone please, please listen. The Separatists will be here in moments," I declare as I walk towards them.

"What are you doing here? We told you not to return!" the leader snaps, clearly less than happy at our presence.

"I'm afraid the Separatists don't care if you're in the war or not. We need to get you to safety before they arrive," I argue.

"We will not abandon our homes!" Tee Watt Kaa retorts.

"But they've got a new weapon," Ahsoka protests, walking forward, hands raised. "It'll burn this place to a crisp. Is that what all of you really want?!"

"If it is our destiny to be destroyed in your war, so be it," he snaps before walking away back to the houses. Seriously? That's what he's going to leave it as? Fine. Simply because he doesn't take the lives of his people seriously doesn't mean that I don't.

"I guess we were right about one thing," offers Aniya with a sigh, "Time to get to work, boys."

Not long later, we've gathered what we need and start barricading off the side of the village facing the Separatist encampment in preparation of the upcoming battle. Rex climbs to top of the objects, looking out through macrobionoculars. "Droids inbound," he calls to us. "We've got eight minutes tops."

Good. It looks like we were right on time. "Come on, guys," I call, walking over to where the group is finishing putting the barricades in place. "Let's get these shield generators in place!"

Aayla walks across the area to Bly to where he is waiting by the farther one. My twin and the padawans are standing near the one closer to me. Aniya and Aayla push some buttons on the controls to the generators, positioning them for the incoming attack.

"Halt! Stop what you're doing. Stop building that wall," orders the Lurmen leader walking up to us, with a very displeased expression on his face. "I did not ask you to defend us!"

"You didn't need to ask," Aniya retorts, looking up from the shield generator. "As long as we're here, we'll do our duty to protect the people of this planet."

"This battle is inevitable. You can stand by your beliefs, but let us stand by ours," I add. At that, he turns and walks back to his home again, a scowl on his face.

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