Chapter 12 - Preparations for War

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Warning: Mentions/implied child abuse! (Maybe not in this chapter though...)

Aniya Skywalker

"This strike force has been commissioned by the Senate to hunt the enemy's new battleship as the bulk of our fleets are engaged on the front line. We'll be on our own. General Skywalker has prepared our attack strategy," declares the Admiral, his gaze flickering between the clone troopers gathered in front of us. I stand next to Anakin, waiting for our turn to speak about the plans for our impending attack.

"Thank you, Admiral," Anakin states, stepping forwards, "While our ships are vulnerable to the enemy's attack. I believe the squad of bombers can outmaneuver their ion weapon. Our target will be the bridge and General Grievous." The ion weapon which nearly destroyed Anakin's ship – with him, Qui-Gon, and Ahsoka all inside it – only yesterday. I can't help but feel the slightest bit nervous about this, but if we're all in fighters and attacking it at once, it'll work out fine.

Ignoring the whispering amongst the clones, I continue with the plan, pointing out the hologram diagram for specifications. "Our bombers will attack at high speed to evade the enemy's ion weapon. We'll concentrate our firepower on the bridge superstructure here. We destroy General Grievous, and the ship will fall with him."

"Any questions?" asks Anakin, looking around at the clones.

"Just tell us where that metal head is," replies one of the clones, standing up.

"Yes, the wings. I can't take them out," comments another.

"Alright men. Settle down. This is an important mission. If we destroy Grievous, we can bring this war to a quicker end," my brother says.

"Pilots, prepare your bombers," I command as Anakin shuts off the hologram. The clones instantly stand up and start walking away.

Master Plo, who'd been staying with us ever since Anakin and Ahsoka pulled him out of space not that long ago, turns to us. "This is an aggressive plan. Are you sure your squadron can complete this mission?"

"That's easy to answer," I reply, "Let's ask them." I have no doubt. There's yet to be a mission we haven't been able to pull through with.

"Do you think our boys can pull it off?" Anakin calls.

"Yes, sir," replies one of them instantly, turning around to face us, "There hasn't been a mission Shadow Squadron couldn't complete."

"That's right," agrees another, "Minimum casualties, maximum effectiveness. That's us."

"I admire your confidence," Plo replies, then turns back to us again. "Even so, minimum casualties may not be enough to prevent you from breaking Grievous' defenses."

"Master," Ahsoka speaks up for the first time, stepping forwards, "Plo is right. With Grievous on the ship's bridge, it's bound to be well protected."

"Don't worry, Ahsoka," Anakin assures her, "We'll destroy that bridge and Grievous along with it." I nod my agreement. This is not a battle we can afford to lose. I expect it'll be hard to destroy the ship with him still inside, but it's worth a try. It seems like the General always manages to escape moments before his ships blow up. Coward.

"If you say so," replies Alema, smirking slightly. "I expect it's not gonna be an easy task, though."

I chuckle. "Well, who said it would be easy?"

Anakin and I head off across the hanger to prepare our own fighters. No matter what the situation is, we always lead the battle. We're always right in the front, where the danger is. Alema hurries to join me as I approach my fighter.

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