Chapter 56 - Tipping Points

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Author's Note: In which... things begin to change even more. ;)

~ Amina Gila

Alema Syndulla

I stand by the railing of the balcony, watching as the orange bird-like creature flies back from Iziz, Lux and Ahsoka riding on its back. We retreated to the highlands after rescuing Dendup, and the two of them flew into the city briefly to see what the situation was, especially after the king broadcasted another speech.

"The people are turning against the droids. There's rioting in the streets now," Lux informs us eagerly, he and Ahsoka climbing off the back of the creature. I don't know what's going on between them, but they seem to be a lot closer than they were when we first got here. I know it's forbidden but... I'm glad to see Ahsoka so happy around him. That matters more than anything.

"That's a beautiful thing," Saw grins, resting a hand on the other boy's shoulder.

"We need to keep the battle to the outskirts of the city," Steela says, approaching, "Less structures and people."

"But less clankers," argues Saw, "Their main force is in Iziz. We should join the fight down there and take it straight to King Rash."

"We all want victory, but not at the cost of innocent lives. If we fight door to door, no one is safe," she objects.

"This is war, Steela."

"She's right," interjects Dendup, "The more you draw the droids from the city to the highlands, the safer the people will be." I'm hardly surprised when he appoints Steela as the new head of the Onderoni military. She's certainly the most worthy and capable of it. Saw is... a bit too reckless. It's good, but he's not a leader. He doesn't have a way with words. The Gerrera's are a perfect team, and if we can find people like that on all planets we go to, we can be guaranteed this strategy is successful.

After a brief discussion, we decide to wait for the droids to come and find us. I agree, but I hope it won't be a mistake. At least we'll have time to prepare an ambush, even if there is a chance we won't succeed.

"Let's ride," Steela says, heading for her animal.

"I guess I'm with you," I conclude, watching as Lux and Ahsoka mount the other one. The way they're grinning at each other, I feel like I'm seriously missing some inside joke between them.

We ride to the top of the top of a plateau, overlooking the gathered army. "The droid army is almost here. Everyone get ready," Steela calls.

"That's a lot of clankers," I mumble, as the droid army comes into view. There's tanks and almost endless lines of battle droids. I wish so badly that Ahsoka and I were allowed to intervene. I know we could easily help them defeat the droids, and I don't know if they're capable of doing it alone. I hate how useless I feel, standing to the side and watching as the others fight for their lives.

Upon Steela's order, Saw and the rest of the rebels on flying creatures fly over the oncoming army, throwing bombs down into the midst of their ranks. The droids instantly start shooting, and the rebels on the ground return fire. Steela pulls out her blaster and starts picking the droids off one at a time.

Explosion after explosion tears through droids, and for the moment it looks like they're all going to be destroyed in no time with minimal rebel casualties. But only for a moment. I sense a surge of danger in the Force, whirling around the same time Ahsoka does to see five huge saucer shaped droid ships flying into view above us.

They open fire. A barrage of missile-like laser shots pummel the rebel forces, totally decimating the ones using guns on the tops of plateau before they start shooting down at the ones on the ground.

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