Chapter 2 - Battle of Jabiim

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Warning: Mentions/implied child abuse.

Aniya Skywalker

The mission was easy. Or at least it was supposed to be. Just a matter of slipping through the defenses and planting explosives inside, then getting out again. Qui-Gon, Appo, a few other clones, and I have almost managed to get through. We haven't run into much resistance yet, which is strange. I get the distinct feeling something is wrong, and I don't know why. Everything feels too quiet. I can see the structure looming up ahead.

Suddenly, my comm beeps. "What is it?" I inquire, answering the call. I can immediately hear blaster fire from the other end.

"Master Skywalker," the Twi'lek's worried voice comes through. She sounds nearly panicked, actually. "We ran into a minefield, just as you suspected. Master Krell is injured, and we're surrounded."

I break into a stream of curses, throwing a worried look at my former master. "Hold on, I'm coming," I say finally, ending the call. It's going to greatly endanger the success of the mission, but there's no other choice. I can't just leave her – and all of them – there alone when it's a fight they're rapidly losing. They could all be killed before help arrived. "Master..."

"Go on. I'll handle this," Qui-Gon assures me.

I nod reluctantly. "Please be careful. And may the Force be with you." Throwing a final glance over my shoulder, I break into a run. I can only trust in the Force that they'll all be okay, as much as I hate it. I need to find the others.

The rain beats down incessantly on me as I run, the thick cloud cover only making the night seem darker. I suppose it's good for cover – on both sides. At least it will be harder to follow our tracks in the mud if it's too dark to see. My sandy blond hair is sticking to my face, a light breeze blowing across me. I've been through many things, but I'm still not fully accustomed to so much rain.

Before long, I can make out the distant sound of blaster fire. Up ahead, I can see flashes of red and blue as the two sides shoot at each other. The numbers of blue flashes are steadily decreasing as I approach. They're going to be overrun if they don't get assistance. Good thing I'm coming. Seriously, Krell is so stupid. Why did the Council ever put him in charge of a battalion?

An explosion shakes the ground as I approach, from what looks like another mine going off. I can soon make out more distinctly the lights from the blaster fire, then the padawan's blue lightsaber shining through the darkness.

I withdraw an explosive, throwing it into the middle of the group of droids blocking my path to the clones. "Uh oh!" yelps one of the droids.

"Roger roger!" cries a second before an explosion shakes the ground once more, blowing up all the droids nearby.

"Pull back!" I yell, igniting my lightsaber and cutting through the remaining battle droids right in front of me from behind before they even realize I'm there.

The clones hastily begin to back away from the droids and I throw another explosive at the other advancing droids to slow them down. My lightsaber spins, deflecting the bolts back at the ones still standing, providing cover for the clones as they withdraw. Moments later, the Twi'lek is beside me, fighting the droids to the best of her ability. Her hood is back for the first time, though she's still wearing her outer robes, which is strange. I've done that before, though it's very hard to fight.

"Thanks for coming, Master Skywalker," she calls over the sounds of battle.

"Anytime," I reply, "But perhaps next time we should attempt knocking some sense into your Master, so this doesn't happen again. Sooner or later, he's gonna end up getting himself killed." Not that I exactly think that would be a bad thing sometimes. As far as I'm concerned, when people have such a disregard for life, they don't deserve to live.

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