Chapter 50 - Mission to Zygerria

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Aniya Skywalker

"It looks like Zygerria is a popular place these days," observes Obi-Wan as we walk down the ramp, looking around at the capital city of Zygerria. The space above the planet is loaded with ships. I've never seen so many ships over a planet that isn't blockaded before.

"Whatever is happening is attracting plenty of high-class scum," Anakin realizes.

"I can only guess what," I mutter darkly. They're probably planning on selling off the whole colony of Togrutas here, so of course, everyone is gathering to buy them. Like they're property, not people. I'm struck by the urge to strangle someone, and I can't help but think maybe it's good I'm stuck in here, because I might go on a killing spree otherwise.

"Let's just hope the information our spies gave us about the Queen is accurate," Obi-Wan declares.

"Remember," Anakin interjects, "I'll keep her occupied while the rest of you locate the missing people of Kiros."

"How do you plan on keeping the Queen occupied?" Obi-Wan wonders.

"You're seriously asking?" I groan. How does he think? This is Anakin we're talking about. I'd rather not even think about what he's probably going to do.

My brother smirks. "With my magnetic charm, of course."

"Oh, yes, of course," Obi-Wan agrees, amused.

"I can't wait to get this over with," Alema mumbles under her breath.

"Tell me about it," Ahsoka whispers back.

"Hush," I advise, "It'll look out of character to be complaining about your clothes."

Alema huffs.

"And stay safe, all you idiots," I command, giving them a severe look.

"I think you're the one who needs to be staying safe," Anakin reminds. "You're the one who has to stay out of sight."

"The padawans have it worse," I mutter. I hate this mission more than anything. Even the mentions of slavers make my blood boil, and this is something else entirely. Not to mention our padawans, my little sisters, are posing as slaves. I know far too much about these Zygerrians, and the thought of what they'll want makes me sick. I'm glad Alema is acting as cheerful as ever, or I might go insane. "If someone tries to touch you, don't hesitate to rip their head off," I instruct.

"I'll do it for them," Anakin promises.

"Stay here until we tell you," Obi-Wan instructs, and I nod.

"I'll be waiting."

I wait until the others go to close the ramp and settle down next to Artoo. They'd decided to take Arthree with them instead, something about his colors blending in better. I have to agree. "Now, we get to kill the next few hours," I sigh, sitting on the floor and leaning back against the seat as the urge to strangle someone grows stronger.

Artoo beeps comfortingly, bumping into my knee.

I make a sound of agreement. "If only it was on a planet other than here."

Artoo beeps a happy agreement, promising to help me burn everything to the ground. "Yes, I'd love to get started, but we were told to stay with the ship, so..."

He beeps gleefully.

I can't help but laugh. "I know I don't usually listen to orders, but we don't want to mess up the mission. Committing arson does sound fun, though."

The droid whistles again.

"Well, yes I know we wouldn't have to worry about it at all anymore if all the Zygerrians were dead, but we can't exactly risk killing the slaves by accident either."

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