Chapter 38 - Mission to Citadel

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Alema Syndulla

"Master!" Ahsoka yells as we race around the corner, skidding to a stop. "I'm sorry we're late."

"We just heard about the briefing," I add.

"We're going to rescue Master Piell, right?" Ahsoka inquires, hurrying over to our masters. The twins are in the hall having just left the briefing room with Master Plo and Master Obi-Wan.

"You four have much to discuss," Plo informs us, glancing back before walking off with the other Jedi master.

"Ahsoka, Alema," Anakin turns to face us. Something about his expression tells me I'm not going to like what he's about to say. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier, but you won't be coming along on this one."

Wait. What? We're not coming? On the most dangerous mission, when they'll definitely need our help?

"Not coming?!" exclaims Ahsoka, "But you're breaking into the Citadel! No one's ever done it."

"You're going to need our help!" I protest, glaring. "You can't always exclude us from missions because they're a little more dangerous than normal."

"Excuse me?!" retorts Aniya, spinning around. "Just a little dangerous? How much do you know about Citadel?"

"Enough to know you're being overly protective!" I retaliate. Ahsoka and I can handle ourselves fine.

"The Citadel wasn't designed to hold common criminals. It was created to hold Jedi, if any of us lost our way. It's not a place for Padawans," Anakin insists, "And this isn't a mission for learning. You either do or die."

"In which case, we'll do," I argue.

"And it's not a risk I'm willing to share," Anakin replies flatly, walking off. Aniya glances back at us, then follows.

"That's ridiculous!" I snap, throwing my hands in the air exasperatedly. "So, what? You expect Ahsoka and I to sit by while you run around doing crazy dangerous things? What if something goes wrong?!"

"We are not taking you into something like this. That would reckless, stupid, and irresponsible," Aniya retorts flatly. "You aren't ready for something like this."

Now, I know she's my master and gets to make the decisions and all, but that doesn't stop my surge of anger. "Yes, I am! Don't forget I've grown up on the battlefield!"

"This isn't an ordinary battle, Alema," Anakin reminds.

"They're right," Ahsoka interjects suddenly, and I whirl around to face her.

"What?!" I shriek. Of all people, I would've thought she would support me. I can't risk losing them to something stupid and reckless like that. Ahsoka has changed since Mortis, and I'm not sure if I like it sometimes. Like right now.

"I know you're upset," Aniya says a little more calmly, approaching me again, "But we can't let you come on this mission. It's something we have to handle ourselves. Trust the Force. Trust in us. We can do this."

I bite my lip and look away. It's so easy to say, not so much to do. I've never quite learned how to, especially not when I have nothing to focus on.

"What if something happens to you? What if you need our help?" Ahsoka inquires quietly, though I can sense her frustration.

"I can have you on the team with Plo if we need reinforcements," Anakin replies. "If you need to be involved."

They're being overly protective again, and I can appreciate that, but at times it gets a little exhausting. "Fine," I snap.

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