Chapter 39 - A Rescue Gone Wrong

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Anakin Skywalker

A far-off explosion shakes the structure as we run down the halls, destroying any droids and wall cannons that we stumble upon. Obi-Wan must've set off those bombs. We have to hurry.

I come to stop at a wall, the one we were supposed to cut our way through. Just to be sure, I reach out with the Force, nudging at the other side. Clear. Activating my blade, I start cutting through the wall. Aniya quickly joins me on the other side. With the circle complete, I push the piece down. It hits the floor with a clang. "Everybody in," I command, stepping to the side to let them past.

The clones file in first followed by a very disgusted looking Tarkin. Aniya and I take up the rear, as always.

"Is it just me, or does he seem to have an attitude problem?" Aniya mutters in my head.

"I was about to ask you the same question."

"Guess that answers it then. I wonder if he was hoping we'd walk right into the ten squads of droids he informed us were coming."

"Could be."

"This is one of the original fortress tunnels. The advantage of old archive data," comments Rex as we continue down the tunnel.

"I'll go up ahead and come back, 'kay?" Aniya asks, taking off. She jumps up to a ledge farther up, sprinting across it out of sight. "All clear," she reports some minutes later, jumping back down next to me.

"Looks like Obi-Wan's distraction worked," I sigh with relief. "Things seem to be going as planned."

"At the moment," agrees Aniya cheerfully.

"It's when things do not go as planned that concerns me," grumbles Tarkin, "What then?"

"We'll worry about it when the problem arises, that's what," Aniya retorts. "Not like we'd have any idea how things will go."

"It's when things don't go as planned that we Jedi are at our best," I shoot back. I'm getting rather tired of his attitude. "Trust me."

"I reserve my trust for those who take action, General Skywalker," he retaliates.

"And what kind of action would you like us to take other than getting you out of here? Go looking for trouble?" Aniya snaps, glaring at him.

"Let me remind you, we rescued you back there," I add finally, eyes narrowed, "And I reserve my trust for those who understand gratitude, Captain Tarkin."

Aniya Skywalker

We walk down the ledge outside the prison. I can't help but glance down at the lava flowing far below us, a shudder running through me as I remember the end of my vision on Mortis again. "Artoo, are you and your battle droids ready to go?" Anakin questions from in front of me, bringing me back to present.

The droid beeps affirmatively.

"Alright, get the ship fired up. We'll meet you at the pipeline exit after you've picked up Obi-Wan... assuming he's still on schedule."

"I am beginning to admire the design of this fortress. It's rather formidable to evade," comments Tarkin.

"Finally, something I can agree with you on," I reply. The place was designed very well, even if it has fallen into Separatist hands and been turned into something terrible. "It would've been useful for us to have." I can't help but think some people – namely a certain former Jedi Master who's Padawan I might have stolen – belong in a place like this.

"Alright, Aniya. I know you're gonna complain, but time for us to split up," Anakin interrupts. "I'll stay in the back."

I nod and move up along to the front. Somehow, I get the feeling we're going to run into some droids momentarily. That's not good. The pipeline we're about to enter is a fuel line, and we could easily get blown up with it. I know Anakin can handle whatever it is he runs into, so I try to focus on heading down the tunnel, though I reach out with the Force anyway. If there's any danger nearby, I need to know.

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