Bonus Chapter 1 - Earth Wars

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Author's Note: First of all, I'm going to warn you that this chapter is 100% unnecessary, because it really adds nothing but fluff and humor to the story. That said, you also need to know that you'll likely only understand this if you're familiar with the MCU. Finally, this has many spoilers from the Loki TV series, so it may only make sense if you've watched it. Lol. Enjoy! :D

Also, this chapter marks the beginning of the second half of this fic. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

Aniya Skywalker

It's earlier in the evening than I was expecting when Anakin and I finally finish up the things we needed to take care of at the Temple, and head over to Padme and Jaufre's apartment, with our former masters in tow.

Our padawans have been hanging around at the Senate building for the past several hours now, so I'm sure they're at Padme's apartment too, by now.

Threepio opens the door as soon as we knock, ushering us inside. Padme hurries into the room, greeting us with a smile, though she stops short of embracing Anakin when she sees who else is there with us. (Even if Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan technically know, it's not like we're going to actually show that in front of them.)

"Are the padawans here?" Anakin inquires.

"They're in the living room," she replies, "I'm sure Jaufre would be more than happy for you to go join them."

"What are they doing?" I query.

"I'm sure you can guess," Padme replies, mildly amused.

I share a glance with Anakin. Yes, we can. Jaufre does happen to be a little obsessed, after all, and he may have gotten both of us and our padawans to being a fan of Earth Wars too. Since it's long after work hours for him, I can guarantee he's doing something of that nature.

"Ready to start the next episode?" I hear Jaufre asking cheerfully as the five of us file into the room. The three of them are sitting on the couch, with Jaufre in the middle.

"I want to listen to that part again," Alema objects.

"We already re-watched it three times!" Ahsoka protests, though she sounds amused.

"I was never expecting them to include something like that!" Alema insists, "And I love the song!"

"I think what you actually love is hearing Loki singing," Jaufre chuckles. Perfect way to make things awkward, and wait a minute – Did he just say...?!

"Did we miss something?" asks Anakin, raising an eyebrow.

"A lot, actually," Jaufre smirks, "Did you even hear about the Loki series?"

"Uh... yeah, actually," I answer, crossing the room and taking seat on one of the other couches. Anakin and Qui-Gon move to join me, and Obi-Wan takes one of the armchairs. Padme stays in the doorway. "We watched parts of the first episode right after it came out, but we've been gone on a mission ever since so we haven't had the time to see any more of it."

"Then that is absolutely what you need to do while you're here. It's six episodes and each one gets better and better! Well, actually my favorite one is the fifth since there's so many Loki's around, but still." Wait, so many Loki's?

"I don't think we'll have to watch something that long tonight," Obi-Wan states dryly, "That is... how many hours?"

"Two? Three? Maybe four? I didn't count," says Jaufre cheerfully.

"How about we do the best parts of everything, while seeing enough for it to make sense?" suggests Ahsoka. Alema makes a quiet noise of disappointment but doesn't object.

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