Chapter 40 - Kidnapped

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Ahsoka Tano

"We shall break into three groups to divide their defenses," Plo declares, looking between Anakin, Alema, and I. The five of us are fighting off the Separatists on Felucia. Aniya was injured earlier in the battle, and we brought her back to the ship to be treated.

"I'll take the left flank, Skywalker, attack the front gate," the Jedi Master continues, "Ahsoka and Alema you scale the back wall; we'll meet in the middle."

Anakin stands up from where he was sitting on the ledge overlooking the forest. "Okay, scouts, find me a way down there. Quiet-like."

"Going through the front gate won't be easy," I comment, glancing at him. He always does that, taking the hardest parts of the mission.

"You have it tougher going over that wall," Anakin insists.

"Doesn't sound too hard to me," retorts Alema.

"I've learned well. I can handle anything," I chirp, smirking. Alema and I turn, heading for our waiting group of clones. Time to get on with thus.

"Don't get cocky!" Anakin calls after us.

"Look who's talking?" teases Alema. He ignores the comment, if he even heard it.

Before long, the Twi'lek and I are sneaking through the trees at the front of the group. This planet certainly does have some of the strangest looking plants. Darting around another peculiar looking tree, I sense a sudden ripple of danger in the Force. Alema freezes the same moment I do, obviously sensing it as well.

"Hold up," I warn, "I sense something out there."

"A droid?" asks Appo cautiously.

I glance around, reaching out with the Force. "I don't think so." Whatever it is, it's suddenly gone still. I can't sense it very well anymore.

"It's something living," Alema suggests, "Probably just an animal." Hopefully. But generally, the Separatists don't have living scouts sneaking around, so more than likely it is only an animal.

"Come on, we've got to get to that wall," I urge, starting forwards again.

"Stay alert, men," Appo orders the others, "Let's move." We continue to creep forwards, taking shelter behind the glowing trees for cover. I've never quite seen any other planet where plants glow before, but that's far from my priorities.

"Skywalker, Ahsoka, Alema, are you in position?" Plo's voice crackles over my comm.

"Ready and waiting, Master Plo," comes Anakin's response.

Alema, the clones, and I dart forwards through the trees, and I pause again, stepping back against a golden one. Peaking around it, I can clearly make out the towering wall nearby. "We're in position," I report.

"Ahsoka," Alema whispers, "That creature... I think it's following us."

I glance back towards the forest. I don't know what it is, but I do not have a good feeling about it. Regardless, right now I need to focus. Time for a battle to be won.

The four Republic tanks fire in unison, four bright blue blasts arching through the air, smashing down onto their targets beyond the walls of the Separatist compound. The ground trembles from the force of the explosions. We continue to wait until I hear the sound of constant blaster fire.

I raise a hand, signaling the troopers, before dashing forwards through the darkness, Alema next to me. We back up against the wall, waiting for the others to catch up with us.

"Appo, Comet, Sinker, Boost, get up there," Alema commands. The four of them immediately begin to ascend the wall as I turn my gaze back to the woods. I can feel the unfriendly presence of that creature even closer now, whatever it is.

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