Chapter 6 - An Escape Route

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Warning: Mentions/implied child abuse.

Aniya Skywalker

"Defensive positions!" Anakin orders the clones gathered around behind us.

"Anakin?" asks Obi-Wan worriedly.

"I'll have to call you back, Master."

"We're under attack," I add.

"We could use a little help here if you have the time," Anakin says urgently.

"I'll get there as soon as I can. Protect the Hutt," commands Obi-Wan almost unnecessarily as the transmission flickers off.

The droids open fire on us as the three of us ignite our lightsabers and step in front of Ahsoka. She can't join us, since her hands are otherwise occupied with the backpack containing the squirming Hutt. Maybe his size wasn't such a good thing after all. Ahsoka takes a few steps back to give us more room to cover her.

More droids begin advancing from another entrance and explosions ring out around us. Artoo flies out of his ship, landing on the ground and rolling over to us in the nick of time as the ship he was in explodes into flames. This is not looking good at all.

Battle droids and super battle droids continue marching towards us, firing non-stop. One of these shots is going to end up hitting the Huttlet at this rate.

"Master?" Alema asks worriedly, taking in the situation.

"We've got spiders inbound!" calls Appo. Those things now?

"Get inside!" Anakin orders Ahsoka.

"Stay with Ahsoka!" I command Alema. The padawans take off instantly. From how they're acting, it seems like they've known each other for a long time, likely most of their lives. That's a good thing, I suppose, considering how well they work together. Artoo rolls after them.

"Fall back!" Anakin shouts as one of our tanks blow up.

"Fall back!" I echo. They need to hurry, before we lose too many more men. I hear Rex and Appo repeating the command before all the clones run towards the monastery. My brother and I remain at the entrance deflecting the blaster shots while steadily backing up as the clones retreat to safety. "Close the door," I call above the blaster fire, standing just outside it.

"Master," Alema protests worriedly.

"Close it!" Anakin yells, voice giving no room for argument. I step back into the cover of the building right as the door starts closing. Anakin dives inside, ducking under it right before it slams shut. There's a few more shots which strike the door, then silence.

"Captain, we'll stay here until Master Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan arrive with reinforcements," I inform the clones.

"Master, do you honestly think we can hold them off?" demands Ahsoka.

"We've got to find a way out of here," insists Alema. I can hear some concern in her voice for the first time today. I'm sure this is far from the most dangerous situation she's been in, given who her master used to be. I feel a stab of anger again at his actions, but quickly suppress it, reminding myself I'm not supposed to get angry. There's not time for it right now, anyway. If the war has taught me anything so far, it's to lock my emotions away and deal with them after the fact. I can't spend battles panicking over the number of friends I'm losing.

"Our mandate is to protect this Hutt, and that's what we're going to do," Anakin answers.

"Our mandate was to get this Hutt back to Tatooine," argues Ahsoka.

"And time is running out," adds Alema, glancing worriedly between us and the Huttlet who's looking increasingly more miserable as time goes on.

"I suppose you have a plan?" I inquire of the others.

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