Explanation and Backstory

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Hey! I have never written a story before, so please bear with me on this journey!

I want to do the story as y/n, but I know a lot of people prefer a name so comment here to vote for me to switch....

The main character y/n is an orphan... she never knew her parents... all she had was a locket with a burned picture of her mother from the fire that cost her parents their life. The details of the fire shall come as significant later. She traded foster homes till she was old enough to discover why she felt so different from everybody else.... She was a witch, and a thumping good one ;). Y:n had many hardships and abusive homes, but she'd finally found her sanctuary at Hogwarts.

Tom and Mattheo Riddle are the twin sons of Voldemort. I am separating young Tom from Voldemort and making them two characters. Tom was named after Voldemort to pass on the tradition and Mattheo was named after their mother's father. Voldemort had bewitched a pure blood witch by the name of Francine Dwealwood. And she died giving birth to his sons. Knowing after that night at the Potters that it wasn't safe for his children or anyone to know he was alive he tasked Bellatrix with the task of raising them, but he would be watching always. They were to be obedient and dominant. Together they would be indestructible.

The story begins in their fourth year at Hogwarts (for the sake of the story and the potential smut we will say they are 17). Y/n, a Slytherin with no clue of her blood status, was one of the more hated girls in her house. However the guys couldn't decide if it was because she was better at the magic or because none of them stood a chance. She was simply uninterested. That was until now. She hangs out with Blaise (when he isn't in with ferret boy) and the Weasley twins. She is gifted in all areas of magic, including flying which drove Malfoy mad when she made the house team. He had been bumped from Seeker to a Chaser, because he couldn't keep up with y/n flying on a Clean Sweep 5 on his Nimbus 2001. She spends most of her spare time reading in the library or in the Astronomy Tower. Her focus completely unfaltering from her work. She wanted to be as powerful as possible so one day she could find the person responsible for the death of her family and destroy them. But it would not be that simple, and as two brothers transfer into the school it becomes painfully clear that things were about to change....

For those who don't know, this is Mattheo Riddle:

For those who don't know, this is Mattheo Riddle:

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Tom Riddle:

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Tom Riddle:

Tom Riddle:

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~469 words

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~469 words

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