Chapter 53: The Black Lake

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⚠️unwanted touching... literally one line⚠️


I got up and got dressed before heading down to the common room. Blaise, Draco, and the Riddles were sitting on the couch by the fire waiting for me.

"Oh look who decided to finally join us!!" Blaise said turning to look at me.

I just shot him the middle finger and made my way over. There was a seat open next to Theo on one side of the couch and one next to Tom on the other.

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Blaise read my mind I swear, because he patted his lap and smiled.

I walked over and sat down in his lap earning a eye roll from each Riddle. They were f*cking testing me. Well so much for that.

I smiled down at Blaise and he looked into my eyes like he was reading me. He bought his hand to my cheek and pulled me down to whisper in my ear where only I could hear, "the nightmares are back?"

I nodded. I don't know how, but he always knew. Like some kind of psychic connection between friends. Sometimes it's like he could literally feel my pain and the same for him. I didn't have to be near him to know when he was sad or angry or happy.

And recently I've begun to notice the same connection with others. Ginny for example, I could sense when she felt lonely and the simple joy she got when she was with someone she cared about.

I swear I could even sense when Draco was frustrated or hurt. The only logical explanation I could come up with was that this was somehow connected to having the powers from the prophecy, but what exactly?

"How did you sleep?" Tom's voice echoed in my ears from behind me.

I turned to face him, "I slept fine, how about you?"

"Better than ever." He said wearing a smirk.

Part of me wondered if last night was all a dream. Had he actually gotten into bed with me. Was he trying to comfort me or just shut me up so he could sleep?

"Well I'm starving, so I'll see you boys later." I went to stand up, but Blaise held me in his waist.

"Don't forget the annual party at the Black Lake is tonight." Blaise said looking me in the eye.

"Wouldn't miss it." I said and he let go of my waist.




I walked down the steps of the party, wearing a short red dress and heels. My eyes fell on Blaise who was taking shots at the drinks table.

I walked up behind him and took the shot from his hand downing it.

"B!tch! I don't care how hot you are! Make your-" he turned and saw it was me, "I take it back! You are the only exception!" He poured another shot and handed it to me.

I took it and grabbed his hand, pulling him out onto the dance floor. It was weird thinking about how exactly a year ago, this was where I had my first conversation with Cedric. Where we'd made our deal to train each other. I guess I should have listened to Tom when he told me I wasn't qualified.

Because he still died.

I began drinking one glass of fire whiskey after another. I want to forget all the mistakes that were made.

Forget Cedric.

Forget Them.

Just for one night.

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