Chapter 20: Animagus

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"What? Nothing's going on!" I said defensively. I mean I wasn't lying, we had decided to just be friends.

"Don't lie to me"

"I'm not"

He looked at me, trying to decide if he believed me or not. "Just stay away from them. If Voldemort comes back and they know who you are, it could put you in serious danger."

"I can handle them I promise"

"It's not them I'm worried about. It's the army he'll send if he finds out your alive."

"They would never do anything to hurt me."

Sirius turned to look at me with fear and anger in his eyes. "Don't be a fool. They were born under a love potion. They are incapable of love and compassion. They will not hesitate when it comes to killing you. I've witnessed it. I've seen them torture and kill. Y/n please just promise me you'll stay away from them."

"Okay" I said. And that was the first time I lied to my father.




I had spent the next morning pulling pranks on Percy with the twins and practicing dueling with Harry. He was really freaking out about this tournament and I taught him as much useful spells as I could to help him relax.

At nightfall Sirius brought me some stupid leaf I had to keep in my mouth till the moon reached its apex. When the full moon was positioned at exactly 90° degrees from the earth's surface, Sirius brought me the animagus potion. He pulled one of my hairs and added it. I gave him an annoyed expression.

"I thought this took weeks to make?" I asked him.

"It does, but I had always hoped you would want to be one like me. It's a great way to keep yourself safe. But listen closely. The more people that know, the less security it will give you. I told no one what we were doing tonight, did you?"

"No of course not. I'm sure they'll find out eventually, but I agree. There's power in secrets."

"Good I'm glad you feel that way." He handed me the potion.

"Is there any way to choose what you become?"

"No I'm sorry, there's no choosing. Just like your patronus it will symbolize something inside of you. Tend to your needs and plans in your head. It will represent your true personality and what you crave above all else. What is your patronus if you don't mind me asking?"

"Expecto Patronum" as the spell left my wand the light formed into shaggy Scottish deerhound. I smiled and looked at him. "It never made sense to me till now." I smiled.

He began to tear up and motioned for me to take the potion. I lifted it to my mouth and began to drink the blood-red potion. It tasted like morning dew mixed with tequila.

I lowered the bottle from my lips and looked at Sirius. At first nothing happened..... then all of a sudden everything began to double in size.

I got really dizzy and began to look around. Sirius stood above me smiling down at me. I knew he was far away but he looked super focused. I noticed I could hear everything going on back at the house like it was amplified.

"Oh yeah, you'll blend in real easily." Sirius said as he began to pick me up. I looked down and realized my legs were gone and where my arms used to be, wings extended from my sides. I was in my animagus form. And it was perfect.

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