Chapter 74: You Can Save Her

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I turned to start eating when Madam Pomfrey came rushing to my side, taking my wrist in one hand gently and lifting my chin with her other to look at my nose.

"Come on dear let's head up to the hospital wing and get these taken care of," she smiled sympathetically. 

"I'm okay. I can heal them, I just need to eat first-"

"No." Tom cut me off. I turned to look at him, but he spoke again before I could. "Go with her and I will bring you food."

"I don't need help-"

"We know." Theo spoke up, "but love it's okay to lean on others sometimes."

"No it's not!" I spit out before I could stop myself, "because at some point I'm going to be left fighting this war on my own."

Tom's face dropped, "what do you mean? I will never leave-"

"Tom you aren't going to have a choice. And you know that as much as I do." I could feel him take a deep breathe to respond so I got up and followed Madam Pomfrey from the hall.

I could feel eyes on my back as I did so, but I refused to turn around.

We headed down the dimly lit hallway toward the hospital wing when I heard a whispering.

"black..... psst black.... Over here"

I stopped in my tracks searching the empty hallway. I told Madam Pomfrey I needed a second alone and she told me to meet here there.

The silence blanketed the corridor.

I closed my eyes and listened for the slightest sound, but nothing.

Then a hand clasped around my mouth and another around my neck and I felt myself being pulled down a small tunnel.

I was apparating.

How is that possible?!

And I have no idea where or with whom.

But no one is supposed to be able to apparate?!

When we landed my eyes met a sea of stars, throwing my elbow back trying to hit my captor he began to speak.

"Shhhhh shhhh come on now sweetheart I wouldn't want to have to hurt you now would I?"

I recognized the voice immediately and my body went still.

"Atta girl, just behave and we won't have an issue."

In the hand around my throat I now felt the cold of a blade between his fingers. Had it been there the whole time?

"I heard you that night after I left. You think you can save me?" A cruel laugh. "I can't be saved." He paused, "But she can."

Who? I went to ask but the blade pressed in tighter around my neck breaking the skin and I felt the blood trickle down to my shirt.

"Shhhh don't speak just listen... I know you hate me and believe me the feelings mutual, but I was right about you all those years ago and I should have let you stop me.

But it's too late to change that now. It's too late for me, but not for my sister. They are coming for her. They need leverage to force me to do things and I can't protect her, but you can. If you meant what you said, save her."

And with these words he pushed me forward releasing his hold on me completely. I went to turn, but he put his hand on my shoulder stopping me.

"Will you?" He asked in a stern voice.

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