Chapter 6: Death Wish

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When all of the students gathered in the great hall, Dumbledore stood on the podium for a quick little announcement. Hogwarts would be hosting the triwizard tournament this year.

The visiting schools marched in. I locked eyes with Krum. I was a fantastic seeker, but he was unbelievable. Somehow someway I was going to convince him to teach me some of his tricks.

I watched her every move with curiosity. I had never met someone other than myself that could perform wandless magic so effortlessly.

My brother already decided he hated her, but there's a fine line between hate and desire.

Boys our age tend to fear that which they cannot control. However, I am different. I can and will control everything in time. I will control her. She just doesn't know it yet.

I watched her stare at Krum. Looking into her eyes was like reading a book every second. She was smart. Calculating her every move.

"The famous seeker? Now what could you want with him?" I asked intrigued.

"None of your business" she said with a smirk as her and Malfoy shared a glance.

"She's the Slytherin seeker! Beat out Draco to do it! She's absolutely amazing! The reason we never lost a match last year!" Blaise spilled smiling at her.

She looked at him incredulously. "Oh don't look at me like that! I'm a proud best friend, you can't blame me for bragging!" He said and she let out a small laugh.

"I didn't think they let girls play on the Slytherin team" I said shooting her a smirk. Her smile faded and she looked at me like I'd started a war.



I know he did not just say that. "Sexist much?" I spat at him.

"Well I didn't think it was possible for a girl to be better-"

I cut him off. "Well it is and I am. If you've got a problem with it then either keep it to yourself or challenge me to a race for the position and I'll lap your ass!"

He looked at me like he was seeing red. He whispered in my ear "Hallway. Now." And got up and left.

Did I follow him? No. I'm not his pet! He doesn't get to tell me what to do. I looked over at his brother as Theo let out a chuckle.

"Oh your dead now. I might've let the disrespect slide with minimal punishment." He winked. "But he'll kill you." He got up and followed in his brothers direction.

I didn't care. Not my first death threats from the brothers and it wouldn't be the last.

"Damn y/n. Do you have a death wish?!" Blaise looked at me. I had totally forgotten they were there.

"Well I will see you at the party tonight! right?!" Blaise said as he stood up. I got up with him to leave and go back to finish unpacking. "You know since I don't seem to see you at night" he whispered in my ear and smirked. I shoved him, both of us laughing.

"I told you! It's nothing like that! I promise!"

"Well fine then I guess they won't mind if your my date for the party-" I stopped in my tracks. Did he just ask me out?

"Girl as friends. I'm messing with you!" He said laughing and I let out a sigh.

We spent the rest of the day setting up our dorm until it was time to get ready for the party. I got ready in the bedroom while Blaise showered.

I slipped on a tight black dress that showed all of my curves. And curled my hair in loose waves that fell right below my shoulders. I put on small black heels and did my makeup.

When I was done I sat on my bed waiting for Blaise to finish getting ready. "With as long as it takes you to get ready, you would think your the girl in this friendship" I said with a smirk.

"What can I say. I like to dress to impress." He was wearing black dress pants and a matching suit coat but nothing underneath.

"You look hot" I said I stood up to grab my purse. "Don't worry, Pansy will like it too." He turned around and looked at me in shock.

"How did you know I like-"

"B!tch please. You are always gawking at her like she's an angel that fell from Heaven." Honestly I think she came from the other direction, but if she made him happy I didn't care.

"If I'm hot then you're on fire" he said smirking at me. I blushed and looked away. I knew I looked good, but it always felt different when other people said it. "No seriously y/n" he looked me up and down. "Whoever all of this is for be sure to thank them for me, because my eyes have been blessed."

We both laughed. "That might have been the cheesiest thing you have ever said."

He reached his hand out and I took it and we headed to the party. It took place at the black lake. All the kids from the houses snuck out to party.

To be quite frank, I'm sure the teachers knew it happened but didn't care enough to stop it.

We were fashionably late, as usual and when we walked down the main steps all eyes fell on us. My eyes however fell on the two tall brothers leaning against the big tree.


There she was.

That dress fit her so perfectly it should be illegal. Now everyone was watching her. They can admire the dress, but at the end of tonight I'll be the one to take it off of her.



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