Chapter 2: Instant Enemies

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We entered the hall, pleased to see all of the students watching our every move with caution. We hadn't been there ten seconds and they already feared us. And they should. I walked over to the girl who gave me sass on the train. Knowing she didn't know who I was, I thought it would be funny to sit next to her and watch her squirm after finding out, so I did.

My eyes met hers and she scoffed, "what are you looking at?" She wasn't afraid of me. I felt the blood boil under my skin. No one dared talk to me like that. People were blessed if I even spared them a glance.




"I-" my brother began to speak. I could tell he was already furious at the girl for not cowering away. I cut him off. "You should be more careful who you talk too miss..."

"Y/l/n" she replied with a smirk.



Who did these guys think they were? I couldn't give a rats a** who their father was. I knew my strength. "Same could be said to you Riddle" I said with a smirk.

Now both of them were looking at me like I had signed my death sentence. I just gave a half-hearted smile, basically saying to 'try me.'

Then all of a sudden I feel an annoying presence behind me.

"Move, mudblood!" Draco spat. I turned around pointing my wand at his throat.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that" I said standing up to face him. He was a few inches taller than me, but that didn't matter.

I scoffed and said "f**k this" and turned to walk to the Gryffindor table. I wasn't going to just sit here and be the center of attention. I hated that. But when I tried to walk away, a hand grabbed my arm pulling me back down.

Mattheo whispered in my ear, "now where do you think you're going huh? We still haven't finished our conversation." His breath tickled the hairs on the back of my neck.

I turned to him and said with a slight smile, "does it look like I care?"

"you will" he looked at me with a smirk and let go of my arm.

I got up to walk away knowing this was his attempt to have the final word, but when I was out of reach I stopped and turned to him. "We'll see about that" I said while flipping them off. And with that I walked away.

As I reached the Gryffindor table, the twins parted leaving me a space between them. I could still feel both Riddles eyes burning in the back of my head.

Each twin swung their respective arm around me and whispered in my ear simultaneously, "spill the tea!"

I laughed, just like I always did when they would say things in unison. Most people believed they were literal carbon copies of one another, but I knew that wasn't true. Yes they were very similar, but George was sweeter. He felt guilty when he saw others get bullied by the Slytherins, professors, or filch. That's why he wanted to pull the pranks that they did. Whereas Fred was the wild one. He always had a funny remark ready to when the opportunity presented itself. He was the true mastermind behind the pranks. We all contributed, sure, but when we came to him with someone we wanted revenge on. He would have a flawless plan ready in seconds.

"What tea?" I said taunting them. I knew they were wondering what had just happened at the Slytherin table. Everyone did. It was obvious that the sons of Voldemort were the new fascination of the school. And everyone had watched what just happened. The talk had drowned out the words, so no one could hear. But they saw our actions.

"I know you are not holding out on us like that" Fred said nudging me in the side. The golden trio sat opposite the table from us and was also encouraging me to spill.

Actually the whole of Gryffindor table was waiting with anticipation. God I hated that. "It was nothing" I said with a slight chuckle trying to ease the tension.

"The sons of Voldemort transfer to Hogwarts. The first thing they do is sit next to you like you had somehow already pissed them off before you'd even met. You talk. Malfoy shows up. You try to walk away, but he grabs you-"

"George had to hold me down. I was ready to fight him for it-"

"Jeez Fred let me finish." He looks at me. "He whispers in your ear and you turn around to walk off saying something while flipping him off... But it was nothing...."

I looked at him, doing my very best not to laugh and said "exactly." The whole table groaned and went back to their food. They knew I wasn't going to share anything right now. I leaned forward and whispered in each twins ear "later. Your dorm." And they looked at me smiling.

They knew I would cave, but I wasn't enlightening all of Hogwarts on my perspective on what had just happened.

I could still feel the glares of the riddle brothers. Testing me to see if I would turn and glare back, but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. Harry who was facing us noticed and said "you know their staring at you." And the whole group turned to look except for me.

"I know...."

~933 words

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