Chapter 8: I Want You To Remember It

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I couldn't help but go a little crazy after that. I had found someone to teach me and would get extra practice with dark magic against an older opponent. It was the perfect plan.

So I let loose and may have had one too many to drink. Oh well. I danced all night with Cedric then with Blaise and the twins. I was happy, nothing could ruin this night.

She danced like every other girl, so why the f**k could I not take my eyes off of her. Cedric went behind her and pulled her waist against his body as they danced and I couldn't help but clench my fist.

Was I actually jealous over some potential mudblood who did nothing but piss me off? No. I couldn't be. I was just still mad that she had disobeyed me earlier. I would make her regret that later. Not tonight. I don't need that many witnesses seeing me.

When I make her scream, I want her knowing that no one else can hear her. And then I'll make her beg for me to make her scream more.

I smiled at the prospect. Knowing what lied ahead.

"What are you smiling about?" Theo nudged me in the side, smirking at me.

"You know how much I enjoy punishment."

I knew how much he enjoyed it. We had tortured many death eaters who had betrayed our father after his demise.

My brother was different than me tho. He enjoyed the hunt, while I enjoyed knowing that the job was done.

He smirked at me. "I think I've had enough of this stupid party. Goodnight brother." And he walked off in the direction of the castle.

What could he be up to? We just got here and he already looked like he'd found his next prey. And I think I know who it is.

What he didn't know was that I would get her first. This game I was playing with her just got a whole lot more interesting.

After another hour of mindless partying, I saw her walking towards the castle. Slipping and tripping over the steps. She was gone. Drunk.

I walked over to her, but before I could reach her I watched Marcus Flint offer to help her. Why would he offer to help, I knew his reputation.

"Legilimens" I whispered under my breath, my wand pointing at Flint. It granted me access to his mind and what I saw made me see red. If anyone was going to make her do those things it was going to be me.

I walked up behind him. Towering over him. "Touch her and I'll feed you to the acromantulas." He looked up at me with a twinkle of fear in his eyes, before backing away.

"W..hat do yyyou wan" she stuttered trying to stand up straight. Even drunk she hated me. Fine with me. That's just going to make this next part fun.

"Just shut the f*ck up for once." I said as I pulled her dress down, so that when I threw her over my shoulder no one could see anything.

I carried her out of the dance. At first she was punching my back telling me to put her down but after a couple seconds she had begun giggling.

F*ck. What was she doing to me?

When we got to my room I threw her on my bed. Tom wasn't here? Where could he have gone? I climbed on top of her and pinned her hands above her head.

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