Chapter 73: The Train

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We turned fast to see Lupin with his wand pointed at Tom's throat.

"I come in peace!" Tom threw his hands in the air sarcastically and let out a small laugh.

"Out!" Lupin yelled.

Tom turned to face me.

"I'll see you on the train in a couple weeks. Don't let me hear again that you haven't been eating or socializing or I will drag you back to Hogwarts by your neck." He turned back to Lupin, "you're welcome."

Then he apparated away.

Don't let me hear?

Someone told him?

"Ginny did you?"

"Yes I did."


"Because he's the only one that could force you back to your old self."

"You think because he was here a couple hours that everything is just going to go back to how it used to be??" I said turning to face her.

"No I don't. But I think it was a step in the right direction. And if I need to, I'll call him again."

"Like hell!" Lupin intervened. "He steps one foot in this house again and I'll kill him."

Ginny turned to me, "all the more reason for you not to shut yourself off again."

The last two weeks felt like an eternity, but I didn't lock myself away.

I spent most of the days sitting in the living room reading over spells, specifically one that cause immortality.

Only one stuck out to me.


It made no sense, because I had never killed anyone. But at the same time the symptoms aligned.

It made no sense, but I felt I was at least on the right track.

Finally the day came to go back.

Originally I'd planned to convince everyone that it was safer for me to stay here, but the one thing I knew I needed was to be with them.

I needed the Riddles.

Since that night I've been numb, and only they could teach me to feel again.

We piled into the car and flew to King's cross.

Fred took my bags for me and I boarded the train searching for them.

When a hand clasped on my shoulder, spinning me around.

"I've missed you love,"

I didn't even have to look just melted against his chest.

A single touch and I could feel the spark emitting through my body, begging for my heart to open up again.

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