Chapter 75: Bait

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She got up and sprinted from the room.

Something was wrong. But what?

I wanted to follow to make sure everything was okay, but I have to be able to trust her.

I turned to Theo.

"When are we going to tell her?" He asked solemnly.

"Not yet. It will just make her think we've already chosen father. It bought us time, that's all we need."

"Tom, she's going to find out."

"I know. But not yet. Keep your sleeves down and don't do anything stupid."

He nodded and stood up leaving the room.

I sat there alone in the room drowning in my thoughts. When all of a sudden everything went black. My eyes flicked open and I was standing at Malfoy Manner in front of my father.

"You've cause me a lot of trouble Miss Black." My father hissed.

I felt myself struggle against people holding me down.

"No one is coming to save you. You are alone." He nodded towards the people holding me back and I could feel myself being dragged away.

As quick as it happened I snapped back to reality.

He had her.

She was captured.

But he was wrong, I'm going to save her.

I grabbed my wand and sprinted out of the dorm, through the castle, and out through the main door to the castle.

I ran as fast as I could till I felt the magic in the air vanish and I knew I could apparate. Without hesitation I apparated to Malfoy Manner.

I burst through the double doors and was met with twelve death eaters circling me as my father and Bellatrix emerged in the center in front of me.

"Foolish boy." My father said with an evil laugh.

"Where is she?!" I screamed stepping closer to him with my wand at the ready.

"Oh come on Tom, surely you've figured it out by now."

"Figure what out?!"

"Why don't you tell me where she is?" My father said with malice dripping from his lips.


She's not here?

I reached out with my mind and for the first time I made an instant connection so when I blinked I saw glimpses of a small Hufflepuff girl.

She's at Hogwarts.

Fuck this is a trap!

I turned to apparate but he'd put up a barrier so no one could apparate in or out.

"Don't worry son. She will join us in a second." He raised his wand at me.


I called out with my mind screaming that it was a trap.


The curse hit me in the chest and I fell to the ground. Pain shot through my body, but nothing had hurt as bad as the moment when I thought I'd lost her. I'd endure endless torture to know she was safe.

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