Chapter 87: Choose

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"You are my destiny Theo." I said looking him in the eye.

"No he's not." Tom interjected.

"You both are and always have been. Nothing is going to change that." I said looking between them.

His cruel laugh sent a shiver down my spine. "Really? You can't seriously still believe that. First you waste time with Fred and1"

"No." I cut him off and he looked at me audaciously. "You don't get to do that Tom! You left me! You don't get to judge how I pieced back together what you broke!"

"I left to protect you!!!"

"No you left to protect yourself!! You couldn't look at me knowing you'd fucked up, but rather than admit it and communicate with me.... You left-"

"That's not true and you know it! I admitted it! I blamed myself! I still do-"

"When you said your last goodbye, I died a little bit inside. I laud in tears in bed all night alone without you by my side."

"Please y/n. I love you."

"But if you loved me, then why'd you leave me?"

He sighed. And silence rang till he finally spoke. "ou brought out the best of me." He paused. "A part of me I've never seen. You took my soul and wiped it clean. Our love was made for movie screens."

"But if you loved me, why'd you leave me?"

"Because....." he paused and had a loss for words.

"Exactly Tom."

"That doesn't justify you ignoring the connection that we have-"

"You don't own me Tom!!! When are you going to get that through that thick ass head of yours?!"

"But you don't love him the same way-"

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do. Because you love me."

I let out a laugh and ran my hands through my hair with frustration. "Loved."

He looked away to compose himself at this one word. Before turning back, "you wanted me to fight for you, here I am."

"Wanted. Past tense Tom."

"A love like ours doesn't just go away." He said his tone dropping. He reached his arm out to me, but I dodged it. "It was always Theo. Wasn't it?"

I was too stunned that I hesitated and he took this as a confirmation.

"He left you too!!!"

"He was following you!"

Theo stood there in awe trying to muster up the courage to speak. He stepped back realizing this wasn't going to end well and made towards the tree house, so Tom and I could hash this out in peace.

"Oh so I'm to blame for him leaving as well?!"

"I didn't mean-"

"Yes you did! You need a reason to hate me. You need a reason to run to him." A tear fell down his cheek and he stepped backwards. "You're lying to yourself darling."

"I'm not-"

"Yes you are!!! Think about it!! Both relationships ended on a broken promise, yet who do you remember fighting?? Huh?? When everything went to shit, who did you hate? Happy, sad, angry, frustrated, when you think of these moments who crosses your mind??"

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