Chapter 70: Ministry of Magic

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⚠️⚠️time to finish what we started⚠️⚠️

P.s. prepare yourself this is a 5000 word chapter where you will be on a rollercoaster of emotions....

Here we go.....



He knows.

I know he knows.


My eyes flicked to Tom and he stood there staring at his brother with the same shocked expression.

Theo leaned up and smirked, "what? Didn't think I'd realize you'd wiped my memory?"

Tom waved his hand and all of my restraints vanished.

I sat up staring at Theo, "how?"

"It's like I could feel something missing. When I looked at you I could sense there was something different. And then when you went home for Christmas and I kept getting these weird sensations."

"Sensations?" I asked.

"When you get a strong feeling or overwhelming emotion, we can sense it. When you're happy, we know. When you're sad, we know. When you're worried, afraid, excited, horny, we know. Because we can feel it." Tom explained.

"Exactly and over Christmas I kept getting a sensation of safety. And I knew it wasn't mine that I was feeling, because I've only ever felt that with you. So then I knew it had to be yours.

And I focused like I normally would to know why you were feeling that way but I couldn't see it. It was like a blurry image. And the feeling kept crashing back and forth in the back of my head and it just wasn't adding up. So I dug through Tom's cabinet and drank the memory restoring potion. I didn't know what I would get back or even if anything was actually missing."

Tom's eyes flicked to the cabinet and back to Theo.

"And then it all came back. The night when you took his hand over mine. Telling me about your father and  the time I called you Black in bed. And suddenly the image of security cleared. I could see you and him. I knew he was the one responsible for the sensations."

I didn't know what to say. "Theo-"

"Why did you wipe them?"

"I-" I stopped myself.

"I would have never told anyone. You are my entire world. I'll protect you till my last breath. I'd give you the heart from my chest. Why? Love, why? Why did you take that from me? And why did he get to keep his?" He said turning to Tom.

Tom went to say something, but Theo cut him off. "The shocked expression on your face said it all."

"Theo." I said and he turned to face me. "I know you would never do anything to put me in harms way. But what I was worried about is that you wouldn't have a choice."

"You don't think I can keep my father out of my head." He looked slightly hurt.


"But it wasn't because I did something wrong." He said looking me in the eye.

"Of course not. Theo I just didn't want you to ever feel responsible for anything."

He nodded. I reached forward and lifted his chin to look me in the eyes, "you both are my everything."

Tom walked over and sat down on the bed next to me, taking my other hand in his.

"I love you both. Always have. Always will." And I shared a glance with each.

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