Chapter 14: A Deal With The Devil

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"I know who your parents are and one of them is alive."

I stopped dead in my tracts. "What did you just say?!"

"I found your father. He's alive"

"You're lying."

"I never lie."

I looked at Theo in disbelief. He continued to try and get me to leave and not believe him. But the look in Tom's eye made me question what to do.

"You see, my brother and I were as you might say.... Competing for your love. My foolish brother sought to win over your heart, but knowledge is what you truly seek."

"I don't believe you."

"Oh but of course you do. Or you wouldn't still be standing here."

"Show me proof"

"In time my darling, if you make the right choice."

"Choice? What choice?"

"You can leave here with him and give him a shot at being something more, or you can take my hand and I can show you everything you have ever dreamed of."

I looked at Theo, then back to Tom.

"But if you take my hand you are agreeing to be mine."

I scoffed. "I am not some piece of property that you get to claim."

"If you take my hand, you will be agreeing to give me a shot. A real chance. That's all I'm asking for." He paused. "A small price to pay for everything I know."

Look at me, making deals with the devil.

I looked back at Theo, tears welling in his eyes. "Y/n please. Whatever he's found we can find it together, just give me a chance."

"I'm sorry Theo." I reached my hand out and laced my fingers with Tom's.

The last thing I saw was Theo clenching his fist and punching the wall before everything went black.


We apparated.

We were standing outside of what looked like an old apartment complex that had been hastily redone to look modern.

I looked around and saw a post that said 'Grimmauld Place.'

I turned to look at Tom, he smiled down at me. "You made the right decision darling." He walked up to the door of apartment number 12.

He pushed the door open. "hominem revelio." A gust of wind shot out of his wand and circled before stopping at the door to the kitchen.

He bust open the door and cast the leg locking charm on the main sitting at the end of the table. Another man came running in from a back room and Tom froze him as well.

"We mean you no harm" Tom said lowering his wand.

"Son of the Devil means us no harm, forgive me if I don't believe you" the one at the table spat.

I hadn't even noticed I was still holding Tom's hand till I felt him pulling me in front of them so that both of the men could see.

I recognized one of them. "Professor Lupin?"

"Y/n what are you doing here, and what are you doing with him?" The tall man frozen by the room entrance asked.

I turned to look at Tom who was smirking at the fact I hadn't figured it out. "Roughly seventeen years ago, a tragic fire took place at a small home in Godric's Hollow. A home to a family of three. To this day there has only been one known survivor of that fire. The father, driven mad knowing his wife an infant died and he didn't"

"Shut your mouth! How dare you speak about my family when yours is the reason their dead!" The man at the end of the table cursed.

I looked from Tom to Professor Lupin. Only people from Slytherin House and the twins knew my story. So it made sense that Lupin wasn't piecing it all together. But I was.

"You had a daughter didn't you?" I asked.

"Who are you?! Why are you torturing me about this?! Please just stop. Whatever you want I'll help you with, just leave them to Rest In Peace." The man said as tears welled in his eyes.

"Seventeen years ago, I was orphaned in a tragic house fire." I pulled out the locket from under my shirt. "I never knew my parents, all I had was this" I held out the necklace for him to see, but he wasn't looking at it. He was looking at me.

"It can't be. It's not possible." He paused for a while in thought. "I gave that necklace to my wife as our first anniversary gift. How did you find it?"

"I've always had it. It was my only possession as I traveled from one foster home to the next." I looked back at Tom. I had never told anyone but the twins about that time in my life. "I had never had a real family. I was always just a burden on someone else's."

Tom looked at me with saddened eyes. "Well not anymore." He released the men from the curses they were under. "Lupin, Sirius, I'd like you to meet y/n Black."

Sirius looked at me, eyes filled with something I had never seen before. Love. Pure love. He pulled me into a tight hug. Before I had noticed, warm tears began streaming down my face.

I wasn't alone. I had a family. A father.

When we finally broke the hug, he kissed me on the forehead and apologized for all of the years that he wasn't there.

Lupin looked at me apologetically too. "I'm so sorry y/n, if I had known-"

"It's okay" I cut him off, smiling at him.

"While this is all very touching. If we aren't back at the castle in the next few minutes, someone is going to notice we are gone." Tom said. I had honestly forgotten he was there.

Sirius looked up at him and raised his wand "she's not going anywhere with you! I know who you are and I've seen what your capable of!"

"With all due respect sir, mine and y/n's deal stated I was to reunite her with her father. Nowhere did I promise not to kill you. So I suggest you lower your wand, before I make you regret ever walking out of that house 17 years ago."

"Tom stop!" I yelled putting myself between the two of them. "Sirius it's fine. I trust him." I could feel Tom's smirking behind me.

"Y/n you can't make deals with the devil! What did you promise him in return?!"

I turned to look at Tom and he tapped his watch with his wand. I turned back to my father.

"I am staying at the Burrow for Christmas." I said locking eyes with Lupin and he nodded back. Sirius kept screaming that it didn't matter, because I wasn't going anywhere, but I backed up and felt Tom's hand grab mine. "I'm sorry. I'll see you soon." I said and everything went black.

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