Chapter 72: Bring Her Back

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My wand pointed at Dumbledore and I focused solely on my prophecy.

Images swirled and I could feel him trying to push me out, but he failed.

I landed in a scene staring at a lady that looks weirdly similar to Professor Trelawney.

She smiled and her hand accidentally grazed the crystal ball on the table.

She jerked and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she spoke,

"The son of the devil and the child of the angels walk hand and hand.
Their choices will determine the fate of the land.
The lone descendant from the house of black holds more power than ten witches.
Whether she's a weapon of mass destruction or a gift from the heavens, the secrets to eternal life rest in her hands.
And her fate will determine the fate of all."

I went to pull out of his mind when I noticed him guarding a specific memory. Something he considered to be more important than preventing me from seeing my prophecy.

So I fought him for it.

I fell to my knees clutching my head as pain thundered inside of it in his attempt to keep me out, but I didn't let up.

And after a few minutes I surpassed his boundary.

I landed in my dorm staring at myself from behind.

What the hell?

I watched myself take the time-turner in my hand.

This was the day I traveled to the future? But I thought I was alone that day?

I watched Dumbledore's hand touch the back of my head and my body fall unconscious on the floor. His hand touching my shoulder and the image moved to the Courtyard.

He held me up and my eyes opened.... but I wasn't awake?

In my head I saw flashes of what I'd seen in the future.

My body on the ground.

Tom holding his wand to his throat.

Then the image blurred and his hand touched my shoulder again.

With a blink of an eye we were standing in the Forrest by the graveyard, but there was nothing there.

Like an illusion of fog, the graves appeared out of thin air, but the name was blurred.

Where it had once said the name of someone I refuse to lose, it now showed no carving?

I heard a spell mutter from Dumbledore's figure and then the disillusionment spell.

The figure stepped back and I watched myself wake up in a panic and take off into the Forrest. 

I dropped the spell and stumbled backwards.

It wasn't real?

I never time-travelled.

I saw only what Dumbledore manipulated my mind into seeing. How did I not catch this? I should have known.

I should have figured it out when I kept landing in different places.....

It was all a lie.

I caught a glimpse of Dumbledore getting ready to yell or erase my memory or something, but I didn't care.

I turned and sprinted out of the office.

It was all too much to process.

Everything I know feels like a lie and somehow I'm a weapon?!

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