Chapter 5: Keep Your Friends Close, And Your Enemies Closer

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I was woken up by a pillow crashing into my face. "Fred!" He sprinted out of reach as I swung the pillow I had been laying on and crashing back into the bed.

"Get up! You have to go if your going to sneak back into your dorm before the others wake up!" George said as he took a swing at me with his pillow.

"Ugh fine" I climbed out of bed. I was wearing one of Fred's striped t-shirts that came down halfway to my knees and George's sweatshirt that swallowed me whole. I kept my shorts on from yesterday and gathered my things. I turned around to say thanks one more time for the necklace but the a**holes were already falling back to sleep. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the Slytherin common room.



I sat by the fire in the common room, reading through the the book that was supposed to teach us how to defend against the dark arts.

Pathetic. They really thing they could stop me with this. I scoffed and was about to start reading again when I heard the common room door squeak open.

There she was. Sneaking in wearing the blood traitor Weasley's clothes. An absolute disgrace. How does a Slytherin girl with the power she possesses end up in the arms of the filthy blood trailing Weasleys. 

I watched her last night summon her locket without her wand. She was powerful. Perhaps more powerful than I had thought. I, myself, struggle to perform wand-less magic and she did it with such ease.

She had caught us off guard last night. I don't like being caught off guard. I had to know what all she was capable of.

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.


I manage to make it to the common room without seeing anyone and of course he is sitting by the fire, eyes watching my every move.

It was too early for this.

He went to speak and I just held my middle finger up in the air and walked into my bedroom. Making sure to lock it behind me.

"Well well well.... Sleeping in someone else's bed on the first night" I literally jumped.

"F**k Blaise! You nearly scared me half to death!" He started laughing at me. "Why are you awake?"

"I would ask you the same, but I think I know the answer" he said winking at me and looking down at the sweatshirt with Weasley plastered across the front of it.

"Oh my god!" I said rolling my eyes. "You know that we are all just friends!" We were both laughing at this point. "I just couldn't be in here for another second with the Riddles-"

"Uh- and when we're they in here?"

"Before you got here. Wanted to annoy me I guess for sassing them at dinner."

"Oh well next time they start bothering you just come find me okay?"

"And what would you do?" I say with a smirk.

"Probably tell Malfoy some stupid thing to get him to start something with him so it would be our group of five against the two of them" he said laughing.

"Very brave of you"

"Isn't it" he said trying to contain his laughter.

We get dressed and head to breakfast. I walk towards the Gryffindor table to eat like I usually do when Malfoy steps in my way.

"And what could you possibly want?"

"Awe come on princess, no need to get angry"

"I'm not. I just don't like you" I said with a sarcastic smile.

"Why don't you come sit with us?" He offered ignoring what I had just said.

Malfoy was inviting me to sit with his group? Why? We weren't friends, never have been. I looked over and saw Blaise patting the bench next to him and I gave in. "Fine."

I sat down next to Blaise, Malfoy sat across from me and Pansy sat next to him. Crabbe and Goyle sat on Draco's other side.

I was confused. Why was I here? And I didn't get my answer till the Riddles walked in. They walked right to me like a moth to a flame. Mattheo stood behind Blaise and glared at him till he moved. Tom sat on my other side. They looked at me simultaneously wearing the same facetious smirk. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

I was the bait.

For some reason the Riddles were following me, entertained by my every move. For Malfoy to keep his credibility he needed to sit with the new power holders of Slytherin, the descendants from Salazar himself.

We were eating breakfast and if you were watching it would have seemed like a perfectly normal friend group enjoying a meal.

It was far from that. Malfoy wouldn't shut up about his family and their honor trying to impress them. And Mattheo couldn't keep his hands on his own plate.

"Theo I swear if you put your hands on my plate one more time I'm gonna-"

"Theo?" He said smirking at me. "We just met and your already giving me nicknames?" I shot him a glare.
"Fine. I guess I'll have to find somewhere else to put my hands."

I didn't think much of this till his hand slipped under my skirt, gripping my thigh.

He made eye contact with his brother and before I knew it, Tom did the same with my other thigh. Both of them smirking at me.

Theo leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "you didn't think you were the only one who could seduce people did you?"


"shhh.... be a good girl and keep still or else I'll have to make you" and he slipped his hand all the way up to the line of my underwear.

Everyone else at the table was completely oblivious. I wasn't just going to sit their and behave like some dog. I reached down and gripped Theo's hand.

"Try me..." I spat at Theo and moved his hand away.

Tom's hand was still on my thigh. I rolled my eyes at him, "d!ck." I reached down and grabbed Tom's hand and attempted to move it without success.

Tom pulled me close and whispered in my ear catching me off guard, "careful. I'm not my brother. I'll drag you out of here by your neck and I'll make sure you won't be able to walk for a week" his words sent a shiver down my spine. He moved his hand from my thigh to my cheek and turned my face so I was looking him directly in the eye....

"Go on ahead. Try me."

It's clear they had no intention of leaving me alone, so now it's time I take matters into my own hands.


~1166 words


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