Chapter 84: Fred Weasley

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I woke up in a panic, half expecting to have been captured.

But my eyes met Fred's and I relaxed. "Don't worry sweetheart. Blaise and Ginny went after you and brought you here. You are safe."

"What happened?"

"Whatever you did drained you or something." Fred started.

"You can't fight these battles on your own, you need backup." George added.

"It is the quality of one's convictions that determines success, not the number of followers." Remus said appearing from around the corner. "But yes, I agree you should at least have backup. Power, even immense power, has its limits."

I nodded and tried to stand up but got light headed and sat back down.

"Woah relax. Regain your strength. We are safe here at the burrow," Fred said.

I looked around and it didn't take me long to realize I was in the twins room. However, since George is in Ginny's room I guess this would just be Fred's.

I shifted and felt a pain in my shoulder. I watched
Moony walk over and begin to heal me.

And handed me a piece of chocolate? What the fuck?

"Eat, you'll feel better."

So his answer to pain is sugar. Wonderful.

I knew I couldn't heal myself like usual as weak as I felt so I let myself doze off into a much needed sleep.

I woke up two days later, feeling as though nothing had happened.

I'd missed a battle.

And an Order meeting where they had voted to go underground and lay low till the time was right.

Lay low?!

I don't know how to do that.

I'm on the top of everybody's list, whether that's hit list, list of who to protect, or list of names to go down in history.

There's me.

But I knew for the safety of those at the burrow, that I was needed to be held back. Patiently waiting for the moment when it would all go down.



I grabbed my brother by the arm and we apparated instantly. I knew we weren't safe anywhere my father could look so I took us to mine and y/n's spot.

Here I could wait for her to need me.

Here I can keep Theo safe.

This was the best plan.

After answering all of Theo's monotonous questions like 'what is this place,' and 'how long have you been coming here,' we set ourselves up to wait.

And we waited for sure.

A week passed.

Two weeks.

A month.

Nothing. Not a sign she had been in a fight. Not a sign that she'd been hurt. No feelings from her at all.

Was our connection fading? Was it gone? Is she okay?

Two months.

And then finally.

We didn't have to wait anymore.



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