Chapter 35: Mother F*cking Queen

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We finally got Draco calmed down and promising he would keep it to himself. He was still pissed, so he left the common room.

"How many times are we going to try and play games and it turn out like this before we just stop?" I said laughing.

"Hey! It's not my games fault! I can't help that you f*ckers enjoy pissing each other off!!" Blaise remarked.

I looked down at my watch and it's time to go meet Cedric. I looked up and my eyes met Theo's. He knew what I was thinking and he sent me a warning glare.

"I have to go, but I'll meet up with y'all later." I said. Theo took a step towards me, but I apparated before he could do anything.

I landed in the dueling club. Cedric stood waiting for me. "Have anything in mind for today?" I asked.

"Can you teach me to defend against the torture curse?"

"Why? Because you're intent on pissing off Theo?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yeah pretty much" he said smiling at me.

"In order to understand how to defend against it, you have to be able to cast it." I said warning him.

"Well I know that you know how" He looked at me.

"Yeah, I forgot you were there that night. Whoops." I said smiling at him.

"I don't know what happened, but I trust you, so I'm sure he did something to deserve it."

We began practicing casting the curse. I taught him the movements and how to focus the negative energy required to produce the spell.

After a while he had it. He cast the spell and it hit the wall leaving a small crack. I turned around to congratulate him, but the door to the dueling club swung open.

Marcus Flint and his buddies came marching in. Suddenly Blake, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and a bunch of other miscellaneous Slytherins apparated around us in a circle trapping us in.

"Before you think about just apparating away," Flint pulled a young Gryffindor girl from behind him. "You leave and I'll hurt her instead."

I felt Cedric tense. I muttered the spell letting me communicate via minds in my head and focused on Cedric.

'Get Them.'

I said in his head. He looked at me and understood, then apparated away.

Flint laughed, "not such a good trainer huh? Hufflepuff boy too scared?"

He stepped closer to me.

"What do you want Flint?" I asked smirking at him.

"You've gained a little too much power this year Princess."

"Princess?" I laughed. "Is that what you think I am?"

"It's what the Riddles and everyone else has been treating you like, but that has come to an end."

I let out a small laugh and before he could react, "stupefy," his body flew back into the wall behind his buddies.

His eyes jerked up and met mine.

"I'm not a Princess," I said with a smirk and twirled my wand in my fingers, "I'm the mother f*cking queen."

"Get her!" Flint yelled and on cue everyone began casting spells at me.

Using the hand without my wand I held a forcefield that protected three-quarters of my body. Then using my wand I dueled Blake and Pansy.


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