Chapter 52: Year 5

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We pulled into the station and made our way to the great hall. Everything went by in a haze as I focused sorely on keeping my distance from them.

I made my way to the great hall and entered. I was going to ignore the rules and sit at the Gryffindor table when my arm was tugged by Blaise.

"Nope! B!tch if I have to sit there then so do you!" He pulled me to the Slytherin table and sat down.

Then they walked in. Draco a few steps ahead of them noticed my stare and sat down on my other side.

They sat across from me. Last year I would have avoided their gaze and focused on the teachers or food, but I'm not scared of them.

And I have the upper hand.

They sat there staring into my eyes and I met them with a smirk.

"I'm looking forward to seeing our room." Mattheo said with his eyes on me.

"Me too." Tom said with a smirk.

I knew fifth years get moved to the bigger dorms, so I didn't think much of it. Knowing my luck I would still be stuck in the one right next to them.

The first years were sorted and surprisingly very few were Slytherin's. Draco was very happy about this as a prefect. We met the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge. I could tell I hated her before she ever opened her f*cking mouth.

Dinner carried on and I completely ignored their existence. Not for their lack of trying. Sly insults and teasing carried on throughout the meal, but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing it get a rise out of me.

"Look at how pathetic the Gryffindor table looks, overrun with blood-traiting gingers." Mattheo spat.

I continued to ignore them. No one at the table laughed or agreed with them, just focused their energy on me.

They know who they should fear.

Blaise kept shooting me glares telling me to 'breathe,' or 'stay calm.'

"I can't wait until the old hag is put six feet under." Tom said motioning to Dumbledore.

I may have let out a small laugh at that one. But it was subconscious and I couldn't help it.

"Not just him, but everyone in the bloody Order." Mattheo continued.

Both of them still staring at me. Waiting patiently to say the one thing that would set me off.

Tom looked frustrated with my ability to stay calm. I guess he had run out of other ideas or just decided he enjoyed crossing the line.

"Maybe we should start with Sirius. I'm sure he's dying to join his deceased wife and child." Tom said with a glint of evil in his eye.

I reached my foot forward underneath the table and kicked him in the balls, then reached forward wrapping my hand around his tie and using it to yank him forward by the neck.

"Okay mother f*cker now you've got my attention." I spat in his face.

I knew he was pleased, but you couldn't tell through the anguish in his face from the pain and the lack of oxygen to his head from the tie.

I could feel the professors staring into my soul, so I let go and watched him slowly sink back into his seat.

He coughed and gasped trying to control his breathing, causing me to smirk and raise my eyebrows.

He stayed silent for the rest of dinner, shooting me death glares every time he raised his head. When Blaise was finally done eating I grabbed his hand and headed to find our dorm.

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