Chapter 31: The Accident

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I spun around and threw up a forcefield as the word left his lips. I watched the green light bounce off and head back at Tom.

It hit him in the chest and knocked him back on his back.

Since the curse wasn't held, all he sustained was a small cut. His eyes shot up at me filled with anger.


He just stared at me and laughed.

What in the mentally insane?

Fred launched himself at Tom. His fist made contact with Tom's face. I ran to pull him off but George stepped in my way.

Theo just stood there, shocked at what his brother had done.

Tom flipped around and had Fred pinned to the ground by the throat and was punching him. George moved and I dove in trying to pull Tom off Fred.

Tom raised his arm to punch him again and I grabbed his arm. Instinctively he threw his elbow back to shake me off. His elbow hit me in the stomach full force and knocked me backwards onto the ground.

I felt my head hit the cold stone ground.

Everything went dizzy.

I put my hand on the ground to try and stand up, but stumbled and fell back down.

The last thing I saw was all of them rushing to me and everything went black.



I thought it was George, so I tried to get him off. I watched her fall from the corner of my eye.

I immediately stopped and rushed to her. Her head collided with the ground and was bleeding like crazy.

I watched her collapse trying to get up.

"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I didn't-" I tried but her eyes closed.

The others joined me. I shook her trying to get her to wake back up.

"We have to get her to the hospital wing?!" George screamed.

I went to pick her up, but Fred shoved me to the ground. "You aren't touching her!!"

I turned to punch him but Theo put his hand out stopping me. He shoved past me and picked her up.



I picked her up. Her chest rapidly rising and falling. She felt lifeless as I ran through the halls of the castle.

I knew if I tried to apparate that she could be hurt more, so I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. The other three following at my heels.

I busted through the door to the infirmary. "Help! Help me please!"

Madame Pomfrey came rushing over. I put her on the nearest bed.

Dumbledore burst through the door followed by Snape.

How the hell did they know that fast?!

Pomfrey was muttering healing charms, but I knew she was fading. I don't know how to explain it, I just knew.

It felt a sharp pain in my chest like a piece of my heart was slipping away. Her life force slowly disappearing. I looked over at the others. They were all looking around too, clutching their chests.

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