Chapter 4: Us Against The World

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I stormed out of the room. I was so angry my vision blurred. No one threatened me? At least not without a trip to the hospital wing.

The common room was empty. Thank god. I snuck through the main entrance door and made my way to Gryffindor tower. The fat lady looked at me with a gracious smile.

She had seen me stand up for first year Gryffindors when they were being pushed around by Malfoy. She could tell I was upset and while usually she still requires I get the password from someone before entering, she opened the door.

The trio sat by the fire talking. I made my way to the twins dorm trying not to be seen. The last thing I wanted was any more attention tonight. I opened the twins door and they looked at me, both of their faces lighting up. But instantly dropping when they saw the look on my face.

I hadn't even noticed I was on the verge of tears. Angry tears. Tears of frustration and hatred. It was rare that I cried. And the twins were the only people alive that had seen me do so. There have been three occasions where I had cried because they got me talking about my past and all of the tragedy's I'd been through. No one could make me open up but them. I always assumed Hogwarts was my home, but it was them.

George sprung up out of his swing chair and took me in his tight embrace. He rubbed my back and attempted to ask me what was wrong.

However, Fred had grabbed his wand, a bat, and a fanged frisbee and headed towards the door. "I'm going to kill them."

"No. Don't." I took my head off George's shoulder and looked at him. I couldn't help but crack a smile at how prepared he was to 'defend my honor' as he would always claim. "Stay with me. I'm just frustrated."

He hesitated.


With this word he dropped everything's was carrying and joined George's and my hug. We stood there for like two minutes safe in each other's embrace. When we broke they each leaned down and kissed a cheek.

I smiled. "Can I just sleep with y'all for the night?"

"Y/n y/l/n I thought you'd never ask" Fred said and winked. I shoved him all of us laughing.

"You know that's not what I meant!"

"mmm sure" he replied and they pushed their two beds together making one giant bed.

"We actually had a surprise for you..." George said looking at Fred.

"Oh sh!t I almost forgot!" Fred exclaimed.

They went to their closet and pulled a long thin box. And handed it to me. I opened it and what I saw made my heart melt. The twins wore matching rings that they had made one of a kind. It looked like twin wands crossing, signaling their unbreakable bond. I had always admired them, and laying in the box was the same one of a kind design on a necklace.

I looked at them in awe. "I can't take this-" I said trying to hand it back. "That design is supposed to be special just to the two of you. I don't want to get in the way of it's symbolic meaning-"

"But you wouldn't be" George interrupted.

"You see your the glue that keeps us together. The missing piece of us that we never knew we were missing" Fred continued.

"Us against the world, remember" George said as he took the necklace out from the box. From behind Fred moved my hair out of the way as George hooked it together from in front. It hung right above the locket with my mothers picture. I stared at the necklace then at them completely speechless.

"Would you look at that! We have finally discovered the secret to shutting her up!" Fred said laughing.

"Oh shut it" I said laughing, still looking at the necklace. "It's perfect. I love it! Thank y'all so much" and we had yet another group hug.

We stayed up talking all night about everything that happened and how we planned to exact our revenge. Pulling a prank on the Riddles? People would have thought we had lost our minds. Maybe they weren't wrong.

I fell asleep with my back against Fred, his arm slung over me and my head on George's chest. He played with my hair till I fell asleep. But I had one thought that raced through my mind.

They were bigger than me and stronger physically. I could probably beat them in a duel, but was hopeless in hand to hand combat. I hate feeling hopeless, so I had two options.

I could let them win and just mind my business and play fake nice like everyone else....

Or find someone who could teach me to take down a stronger opponent....

And I won't let them win.


~832 words

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