Chapter 44: I've Got You Brother

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It was all too much.

We knew they were going to bring him back and couldn't do anything to stop it.

Is it horrible that I want my father to stay dead? I mean yeah he's a murderer but... he's my father?

And Cedric's going to die at his hand?

And we know...

Isn't it our job to stop it?!

I felt my head going dizzy and couldn't calm my breathing. My heart pounded in my ears and I sat back on my bed. I was having a panic attack.

"F*ck-" I heard Tom mutter under his breath. He immediately got up and sat next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "I've got you brother."



I sat there trying to do it, but I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried the torture curse required darkness I couldn't produce. I'm only seven....

"Weak. Pathetic. You are nothing but a disgrace. A waste of your fathers DNA." Bellatrix hissed at me.

I saw her raise her wand at me out of the corner of my eye.

"Maybe you just need a little demonstration.... Crucio,"

I shut my eyes and waited for it. But nothing happened. I opened my eyes and Tom was between us on the floor.

He'd taken the curse for me.

She didn't let up. He laid there twitching on the floor. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he screamed.

"STOP!! PLEASE!!" I ran and tugged on Bella's clothes trying to make her stop, but she knocked me to the floor.

"No if your brother wants to take your punishment for you then he will take it."

It happened too many times. She finally stopped and left. I ran to his side, crying and panicking at the pain in his eyes.

It was my fault.

Always my fault.

I'm not strong enough. Never will be.

I felt my breathing speed up and a panic attack surfaced.

Tom tried to sit up, but fell clutching the gashes in his chest. He was weak, his strength failing him.

He reached out and put a hand on my arm, "I've got you brother."

End of Flashback


He used to say that all the time when I would have panic attacks after 'schooling' with Bellatrix. Or after they would force us to torture or kill someone. Always the same thing. 'I've got you brother.' Like it was the only thing he knew to say.

He's always been this emotionless. Numb. And never understood it when I got to be panicked or sad. Or happy for that matter. The only emotion he knew was anger.

We sat there as I tried to calm down to no avail. "Breathe. Everything will be okay just calm down." He said and I jerked my head to face him.

"Okay?! How is any of this okay?!" He just looked at me. "Don't you care at all that he's going to die and it will be our fault for not stopping it?!"

"You know I don't care. All Diggory has done is get in the way and if he's stupid enough to go into that maze and grab the cup then he'll face the consequences."

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