Chapter 91: Wedding

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Three years since the day he'd proposed it was finally time. We'd taken time to see where we were as a family and focused on raising Theo and our daughter, but now it was time for us.

I'd like to say that we waited this time to rekindle what we had once had, but our daughter who was barely a year younger than Theo is proof of otherwise.

Time to make our family official.

It was the rehearsal dinner and we had set up tons of flowers and candles floated throughout the ceiling, but my favorite part by far was the corner where Molly had set up a photo board.

Everyone was to bring any ridiculous photos they had with me and Tom. Mine was the board on the right and his was the board on the left.

I walked over and mine was covered in photos.

Photos with Tom.

Photos with Ginny and George.

Photos with Blaise and Draco.

Photos with Neville and Luna.

Photos with the Trio.

A photo from my first year of me standing next to Snape.

Photos with Lupin and Tonks.

A photo of me running through the halls carrying Dobby on my back.

Photos with Sirius. Multiple from our two years together with a baby photo of him holding me in the middle and Molly had placed the words "His Opa" in the dead center.

And Photos with Theo.....

Countless photos....


Photos where he'd thrown me over his shoulder....

Photos where we had fallen asleep cuddling on the couch....

Photos of us staring into each other's eyes in love...

Photos on top of photos with the person I missed most in this world....

There were even photos I had never seen before. I traced my finger over one taken of us on our first date in the Astronomy tower. The night he'd gifted me a constellation in my name. The photo was from behind of us sitting on the edge staring out at the stars.

Tom's hand clasped my shoulder, "On our first night at Hogwarts. The night we were waiting for you in your dorm. As I'm sure you guessed, we searched through your room and Mattheo was fascinated by your collection of photographs with the twins. And throughout the years he used magic to rig cameras to photograph the two of you without you knowing so that when you graduated he could give you what he claimed to be 'a lifetimes worth of memories.'"

I turned to face him, tears streaming down my cheeks. My heart felt so full and so empty at the same time.

Then Tom pulled something from behind his back and handed it to me.

A scrapbook.

The cover read,
My Love

Fifty or so pages covered in photos and memories. A copy of the star. A preserved flower from the bouquet he'd hand picked for the Yule ball.

I held the book tight to my chest.

Afraid if I let go that it would disappear or I'd wake up from a dream.

I don't know how to explain it, but I could feel him in the pages.

I could feel him in the air.

I could feel him telling me it was okay.... Giving me his blessing....

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