Chapter 42: The Rose

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⚠️blood kinda⚠️


I made it to the Slytherin common room door and I could hear Theo in the common room. F*ck.

I apparated into my dorm. Blaise stood there arguing back and forth with Theo. "She's asleep dude just come back tomorrow."

"Just let me say something."

I walked up behind them acting like he'd woken me up. "F*ck Theo what do you want?" I faked a yawn.

He looked shocked to see me. They both did.

"Oh? Your here?"

"Yes I'm here Theo? Where else would I be?"

He glanced back at his dorm. I knew Tom had to of said something. It's like I could feel his smirk through the wall separating our dorms.

"I don't know.... Uh... nevermind..."

"Oh no. You've probably woken up half of Slytherin so you better have something to f*cking say b!tch." Blaise accused.

Theo looked at a loss for words. "Just wanted to say Goodnight." He finally came up with.

"Oh my f*ck," Blaise exclaimed and slammed the door in his face.

I jerked my head to Blaise. "Tell him he can murder me tomorrow after 9am." Then crashed into his bed.

I opened the door and he stood there laughing. "I've pissed him off-" Theo said smiling.

"Yeah," I said laughing and Blaise shot me a glare. "He needs his beauty rest."

He flipped us off and I leaned forward and gave Theo a kiss before closing the door. Blaise turned over and gave me a 'what the f*ck' look.

I walked over and kissed him on top of the head and said "night."

He angry whispered, "no b!tch what the hell was that all about?!"

"I had to cover my tracks before Tom could figure something out and then I'm sure Tom sent Theo your way."

He nodded and then dove face first into his pillow, "good enough for me."

"Thanks for covering for me though," I said and he threw a thumbs up in the air and I turned out the lights.




I felt a hand clasp on my shoulder. I turned expecting to see Theo, but it was Cedric.

"Morning Hufflepuff!" I said as I kept walking, but he reached his hand out and grabbed my wrist pulling me to the side of the hallway.

I gave him a confused look. I noticed his other hand stayed concealed from view. "Something wrong?" I asked.

"Other than the fact that this is a long shot, no."


He pulled his other hand from behind his back. He held a single rose, "would you want to be my date for the Yule Ball?" He smiled down at me eagerly.

Oh sh!t. Seriously Hufflepuff?!

"Oh uhhh.... I'm dating Theo," I pushed his hand that held out the rose back towards his body.

"Has he actually asked you out?"

I mean technically no, but we've thrown around some terminology? He called me his girlfriend in the common room? Was that just his possessiveness talking?

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