Chapter 40: The Forbidden Forrest

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Theo lunged at us.

"Oh f*ck not again," Blake muttered under his breath and ducked behind me as I stepped between them.

"We were just talking!! Just talking!! As friends Theo!" I put my hand on his chest to stop him before he reached Blake.

Blake took his opportunity and apparated away. Theo's hand wrapped around my throat and slammed me back against the wall.

I was caught off guard and the wind was knocked out of me. I coughed and grabbed at his hand. "Theo-" I choked as I gasped for air.

"Since when in the hell are you two friends!!" He said and his grip tightened. My feet started to lift off the ground.

"We aren't!" The cold of his rings pierced my skin. "But his sister asked me to help."

Theo's face relaxed and he let go. I fell to my knees clutching my throat as I choked on the cold air as it reentered my lungs.

He reached down and lifted my chin to look at him, "help with what?"

I was pissed now. He really didn't trust me at all. "None of your business," I spat at him and slapped his hand away.

He reached down and grabbed my face with a firmer grip. "You're my girlfriend. It's absolutely my business." He rolled his tongue in his cheek.

I went to say something smart-ass back to him but he cut me off, "choose your next words carefully my love. I already have you down on your knees." He smirked down at me and I let out a small laugh to cover up the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

I hated that I was so turned on by his aggression.

He reached his hand out and I took it. He helped me to my feet. "I'm a reasonable guy." He said smiling at me. "Give me a good explanation as to why I saw the guy you hate the most in this school walking out of your bedroom and I won't kill him." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"I was trying to convince him not to become a death eater."

He smiled, "ah well that's a tad ironic isn't it."

Now that I think about it. The girlfriend of the Dark Lord's son was convincing her enemy not to join the dark side. I laughed.

"You're too trusting for your own good. If he's going to make the bad decision then let him and steer clear. Because if he knows...." He stopped. "He won't hesitate to hurt you."

I looked in the direction of the Blake's dorm. I knew he was right. But I still wanted to help him. What's wrong with me?

I looked back at Theo smiling, "Good thing I always have you to fish me out of whatever dangerous waters I jump into."

He laughed, "I thought we said we were done with that?"

"I believe my answer was no."

He leaned in and kissed me. We walked back to his dorm. I expected to see a fuming Tom ready to pounce but he wasn't there?

"I have something I have to do before we can relax." Theo said as he shuffled in his closet.


"I just have to go meet someone really fast, I'll be back in an hour okay?"

Who was he meeting? Was it a girl? A death eater? Tom?

He turned and walked out the door. I walked into the bathroom and changed out of my clothes. I had to follow him.

I transformed into my animagus. And took flight in the direction he went. I sat on top of a gargoyle in the courtyard and watched him walk to the forbidden forest.

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