Chapter 71: He Knows

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⚠️⚠️ thoughts of self-harm (will place before and after so those who get triggered can skip) ⚠️⚠️



I was sitting up in my bed worried as to why I hadn't seen her since earlier today, when I felt it.

That feeling like my heart was physically being ripped out of my chest.

But this time it was as if the pain was amplified by ten. I can't explain why or how but I knew she was at the ministry and that she'd been hit with the killing curse.

And It's like I could feel her magic boiling in my veins both slipping away and strengthening at the same time.

Like she was clinging on for dear life.

I doubled over in pain clutching my chest and letting out a scream as I heard another one coming from the bathroom.

Mattheo came stumbling out clutching his chest and fell flat on his back, breathing heavy.

"We have to go!!" I yelled and we apparated to the ministry.

We landed around the corner from the scene and watched as Dumbledore knelt over Harry's lifeless body. Our fathers image in the sand particles surrounding them.

And her body unconscious on the ground behind him.

Was she dead??

I turned and saw the rest of the group clutching their chests, some harder than others.

Then in an instant. As quickly as the pain began, it stopped.

Everyone looked around confused, but I kept my eyes on hers.

Her fingers twitched.

And then her chest rose.

She was alive.




My head was pounding and my heartbeat echoed through my body.

It felt like everything had been kicked into high gear.

I jerked up slightly panicking and summoned my wand, rushing to my feet.

Everything slowed.

The look of shock on everyone's faces including Voldemort's who turned to face me.

He took one step in my direction and I aimed my wand at him.

With a wave of his hand my wand shot across the room.

The silence was deafening.

He aimed his wand at me and I waved my hand like he had and his wand flew across the room as well.

He let out a laugh.

"So this is what you've been keeping from me." He paused, "I'm very disappointed in you Tom."

He turned to face the Riddles standing in the corner.

"Leave her alone." Tom demanded.

He laughed. "No. I don't listen to traitors."

"I'm not a traitor father!"

"You have been keeping the girl that is destined to determine our fates a secret. If that isn't betrayal-"

"I was making sure she was on our side before telling you."

"And judging by the fact she took the killing curse for Potter, you failed."

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