Chapter 37: Anchor

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A/N- I was just informed that I hit #1 in MattheoRiddle out of 1000+ stories and idk what to say!!! I love y'all!!



"Why did you pull the child from the flames Severus?" The man asked.

"To make sure it was dead."

The man waltzed over and felt for a pulse that didn't exist. Dead.

"Why kill the child my lord?"

"Have you heard her entire prophecy Severus?"

"Yes my lord."

"No one can achieve immortality except for me."

"Of course. I will dispose of it now, my lord."

"Thank you Severus."

The image walked out of the room we were in and apparated to a street corner, looking down at the child.

The child burst to life and started crying. The figure started to shake. It ran up to a building with 'Orphanage' written across the door and placed the baby on the top step.

A hand knocked on the door and the image went black.

My eyes opened and I was back in Snape's office. His eyes met mine and he wore a look of fear.

I stood up and pointed my wand at him. "You know my prophecy. You pulled me from that fire. You've known who I was this entire time and you never told me!!"

I felt so betrayed. I couldn't explain it, but he always felt like a father figure but he wasn't. He's a liar.

"You served me up to the dark lord on a silver platter!!"

"No I didn't!!" He stood up, his eyes looking like they were threatening tears. "I tried to save you! I knew you were the only hope for stopping him, so I followed him to your house that night.

I watched your mother get killed and your father was too far away to help you. So I lit the house on fire as a distraction.

But it didn't work. He killed you and fled.

Your father was knocked unconscious by the flames. I picked you up and went to help your dad then his friends arrived. I apparated so they wouldn't see me and when I landed you woke up.

You were alive! So I gave you a sleeping potion that temporarily stopped your heart to prove to the dark lord you were dead. And he believed it. He stopped looking for you."

"You saved me?"

"I saved you."

"Why not tell me? All these years I've been coming to you for extra help! You had every opportunity!"

"I was worried someone else would find out and then you'd be back in danger."

"And you've known that I was a child of the prophecy"


"And you've heard the entire thing?"


"And Voldemort has heard all of it too?"

"Yes. I'm sorry."

I paced back and forth in a circle running my fingers through my hair. Holy Sh!t. Everything just got a lot harder.

"And what did he mean by 'no one can achieve immortality except for me?'"

Snape looked at me with concern. "I can't tell you."

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