Chapter 79: Perception vs Reality

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I arrived in the courtyard where both twins stood waiting with the respective arm extended.

I took their hands in mine and Fred looked down at me smiling, "where are we headed?"

"A secret hideout," I said trying to give him the reassuring smile back. The smile felt forced, but I tried to ignoring the feeling eating me up inside.

"And where is this secret hideout?" George asked curiously.

"Now if I told you that out here in the open, it wouldn't be much of a secret now would it?" I asked him condescendingly and he let out a smile.

"I trust you." Fred said gripping my hand tighter.

"Me too." George added.

"Us against the world remember?" Fred said with a reminiscent glint in his eye.

"Us against the world." I said and I focused on where I wanted to go.

My mind split between two places.

The one I desired, and the one I knew was safer.

With one final glance back at the castle that shaped me into the person I am today, I ripped my eyes back to in front of me, blinked, and it was gone.

We landed in the middle of the woods and I looked around. Just as before, there was no sign of any civilization. I turned shooting them a taunting glance causing them to smile.

Turning I lifted my wand and cast, "revelio."

A small cottage three rooms wide appeared between the trees.

I grabbed their hands and led them inside. It was decorated head to toe with photos of Sirius and my mother from their days at Hogwarts. One bedroom, a kitchen, and a living room.

Curtain lights and plants covered the room, decorating it aesthetically.

It was exactly as I remembered it.


Not a single thing had been moved or changed.

"Woah! What is this place??" Fred asked looking around.

"My hideout half of the time. It was supposed to be a place for my parents to escape to just the two of them for date nights. My father's wedding gift to my mother. But when Sirius was murdered, he left it to me." He paused. "I never told anyone else about it...."

"Well thank you for sharing it with us." George said.

"We would have been worried sick if you had gone off on your own." Fred continued

I had no intentions of telling them I plan on fighting the battles with the order.

I know Dumbledore, Snape, and Lupin, will all be against it so I'm not going to ask.

My connections with others have grown stronger, almost as if they are extensions of my own mind.

When someone I love enters a battle, I'll know.

"We do have to keep our shop up and running though! So how do you want that to work exactly?" George asked curiously.

"You can apparate there from here, but to ensure you aren't followed afterwards you should apparate to the burrow and I'll give you a port key to leave there and you can travel here with that."

"Did you just come up with that?" Fred asked laughing.

"I knew it was only a matter of time." I responded.

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