Chapter 3: Family and Enemies

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"Alright that's it! I'm going to have a word with them." Fred said trying to stand up. I hooked my arm in his holding him down. "Oh come on! You're not going to stop me too are you?!"

"Leave it Fred." I said laughing. "If they want to stare, let them. If they want to pick a fight with me, let them. If I need you I promise I will let you know. But I can handle myself" I said smiling up at him.

"Yes of course we know you can," George said.

"But that doesn't mean we still don't want to bash the faces in of anyone that looks at you the wrong way" Fred said with a smirk.

"They aren't just anyone" Harry cautioned. "They're Riddles."

"I don't give two flying sh*ts who they are." Fred said looking at George. And in sync they said "we protect the ones we love."

I blushed.

It wasn't rare that we showed each other affection, because I had never had a real family till them. And I would give the heart out of my chest to save either one of them.

If nothing else in life worked out, I would still be happy as long as I had them.


Dinner ended and everyone was ushered to their respective common rooms. I had planned to meet the twins in their room in an hour.

I entered the common room and headed to my dorm room. I shared a room with Blaise, since no one else in my house liked me.

The second I enter my room I see the last faces I wanted to see again tonight. Both Riddles sat waiting for me in my room. Mattheo laid on my bed with his hands behind his head and Tom stood over my desk fiddling with something he had found. My locket.

"What the he!l are you doing in here?!" Instinctively I walked over and tried to snatch my locket but Tom held it above his head out of my reach. He towered over me, so there was no way I was getting it back with physical force.

"Give me my locket" I said as my anger continued to rise.

He was pleased that he had managed to upset me and held it out on his hand and said "what's the magic word" while smirking.

They were new. They didn't know the practice I had put into honing my magic. They didn't know I didn't need my wand.

I smiled and held out my hand. "Accio." I said calmly focusing on the locket. It shot out of his hand and into mine. He stood there silent. I couldn't tell if he impressed or angry but I didn't really care.

I opened the door an gestured for them to leave. Neither one moved a muscle. "Do y'all need something? Could y'all not find your dorm?" I ask thinking that if I helped them they might leave me alone.

"Nope." Tom said.

"We did. We are in the biggest one right next door to yours." Mattheo said smirking.

I rolled my eyes. Of course they were.

They didn't need anything. They just wanted to piss me off. "Well why don't you two make yourselves at home then" I stated sarcastically knowing nothing I said would make them leave. I walked over to my bathroom to fix my makeup before heading to the twins.

Not thirty seconds later, Mattheo struts up and leans against the door frame, "now where could you be headed this late after curfew." He looked down at me with a calculated expression. His top arm resting on the top of the door frame. The other in his pocket. He was the tallest of them all.

Sh*t. "And who says I'm not putting it on for you?" I lied through my teeth.

I knew I was attractive. Yeah I still got insecure, but everyone does. I had mastered the art of manipulation through seduction. I was a Slytherin after all. When I wanted something, I got it. And the best way to manipulate a guy not to get you in trouble is seduction.

"If it's for me then don't waste your time" he said smirking.

I laughed.

"What's funny?" He said as his anger started to rise again.

I turned to him and walked till we were practically breathing the same air. I took my finger and ran it down his chest. I could feel his abs through his shirt. His breathing began to speed up and he grabbed my hand.

"What's funny is you were acting like you weren't interested, but if I can make you freak with just one finger, then imagine what I could do with all-"

He had heard enough. His hand that had grabbed mine reached and grabbed the other. He pinned my arms behind my back as his other hand traveled to my throat. He pushed me up against the wall, knocking the wind out of me. I gasped against his cold hand on my throat. His rings digging into my skin.

"Let me make myself very clear. This is your final warning to watch your mouth" he lets go and I fall to the ground trying to catch my breath.

I stand up and turn around to hex him but he was gone. They both were.


A/N- (author's note)
Thanks to everyone for reading my story!! I hope you like it.

Which Riddle do you prefer?

Get ready for a slow burn enemies to lovers type story with a ton of twists, jealousy, possessiveness, and competition!!

~940 words

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