Your first date with him (characters)

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(Slight TW? mentions of being sick, nothing to bad just mentions of flu symptoms)

Steve Rogers- For your first date Steve went really simple but cute. He left you a little note saying to wear something cute but simple and to be ready to be picked up at 7:00 pm sharp. Right at 7:00 he was at your door wearing khaki pants, a nice button up shirt and his brown leather jacket. He held your hand as he walked you to his motorcycle and drove the both of you to a cute little diner a little outside of the city. You both had a nice dinner at the restaurant, after paying for the both of you Steve held your hand and walked you back out to the motorcycle and proceeded to drive you both to a little park that wasn't far from the diner. The moon and stars were very visible as it was a perfectly clear night. The both of you walked around the park just walking and talking enjoying each others company. At the end of the night Steve drove you home and thanked you for accepting his date and you thanked him for such a great night, Steve started to leave but not before turning around and kissing you (with your permission of course). It was a sweet yet gentle kiss but still full of passion. After the kiss Steve thanked you once again and left for the night. 

James "Bucky" Barnes- Bucky actually had a really nice but simple date set up but the morning of the date you woke up to a very unpleasant surprise, you woke up sick. You didn't know how it happened as you didn't think you had been near anyone who was sick recently but then you remembered how Clint mentioned how his kids recently had a nasty flu bug yesterday while the two of you were training in the gym. You got yourself out of bed and slowly walked to your bathroom to take some cold and flu medicine to provide relief of some of the congestion and the headache that was starting for form in your head. You ended up calling Bucky to cancel the date and explain the sudden cancellation in hopes to re-schedule the date but as soon as Bucky heard his doll was sick he dropped everything to rush up to your floor. He had quite a bit of experience taking care of sick people seeing as he had 4 sisters growing up and took care of Steve who often was sick. Once Bucky arrived at your floor he immediately put his non-metal  hand to your forehead to see if you had a fever. Your forehead was slightly warm but not enough for him to be concerned, especially after you told him you'd already taken some medicine. The both of you spent the day taking it easy and just resting while watching movies. Even though it wasn't a real date you still like to count it as your first purely because it was a whole night of just spending time with your Buck.      

(A/N) heyyyy besties!! Idk how I feel about how this one turned out but oh well I guess. Don't be shy to comment any requests or ideas!    

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