Halloween (characters)

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'What do y'all do during Fall/Halloween'

Steve Rogers- Believe it or not Steve LOVES the Halloween season. He loves the whole aesthetic of fall in general but Halloween is the top of the pyramid for him. He loves going on hikes in the woods with the leaves changing color because of how beautiful it looks (and it gets you to work out with him because you like the hikes too). He loves cuddling on the couch and watching Halloween type movies while drinking hot apple cider. At the tower a few days before Halloween everyone on the team participates on a pumpkin carving contest which is always a fun activity. He loves when Halloween comes around because he loves seeing all the kids dressed up. Kids can't come to the tower to trick or treat but there's a Halloween parade that the team always participates in. Steve loves seeing the kids faces when the avengers come by giving out candy and he also loves getting to see kids dressed up as him and the rest of the team. 

James"Bucky"Barnes- Bucky wasn't to sure what Halloween was when you two first met because when Hydra wiped his memories things like Halloween and other holidays (except Christmas for some reason) were forgotten. So you decided to show him the best Halloween possible. Everyday leading up to Halloween you did a different activity with him to show him what Halloween is all about. He loved the pumpkin carving contest, watching spooky movies with the team, he wasn't too keen on hot apple cider but he really likes cold apple cider. He also wasn't sure if he should participate in the Halloween parade with the rest of the team but you and Steve were able to convince him and he ended up having a great time. By the 31st Bucky was in love with the idea of Halloween and can't wait for Christmas to come around.  

(A/N) Good morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you're reading this! We hit over 200 reads last night! Thank you! 

Requests and ideas are always welcome! Comment or DM your request or idea and I'll write it as soon as I can. 

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